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� ; � �r <br />• <br />• Extsact of Min�itss of INeeting of <br />Villaqe;Council <br />Vil2age' of 'Azden Hi11s - <br />Aams�p Gounty, Minnascta <br />Ht Id �„�.� ,� � d <br />, <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a��� me�tinq <br />of the Village Courtcil of the Yiltage of Q.rdsn Nil s. itinrwsota, <br />was duky haId at th� Villaq• Ha.1i in said Village on `�u�_, <br />the Q 9 day of ...d�%!� J ,....e 196fl at .' , c o'clock P,M. <br />The followiaq memhers vtere prss�ntr �4�,�,,,,�, ��"�""� ���- ---7 <br />and tha following were absent:`�s-na-- �~ -- � <br />Trustse f�'��.,....�.�� intxoduced t�r follotirinq r�solution <br />.and moved its adoptian: - <br />• RE50LUTION DBCLARING GOST TU <br />BE ASSESSEb RND ORDERIDiG PREFARA7I8N <br />• 0� PR6POSED ASSESSMENT <br />wHEREAS, contracts have baen l�t for t3�� impuoveeNnt of <br />Street Improvement Mo. b0-1 of the Vi1.laqe of Arden Hills <br />and the contract prices for said improvenrnt and expans�s al- <br />r�ady incurred and estimat�d to be incurred in the making of <br />said improvemant amounti;to 326,525.21 so that tMe tota� cost <br />of said improvement will_be $26,525.21; and of tt�is coat th� <br />Village: v�ill pay ;7,957,°s6 as its »hare of the cost, <br />NOa1 '#HEREFORE &E Zt RESOLVED BY TH� VILLAGb COiJi�ICIL OF <br />2HE VILLAGE OF ARDEN HTI.i.5, MINNESOTA: . <br />I. 7he cost of such i�szovement to bg specially assessed <br />is hereby deciared to ba �iqhteen Thousae�d Five Hundred SSxty� <br />severt and 6g/1�G Dolle�s (318,567.65). <br />2. The Villsge Clerk, vaith th� assistance of the VYllago <br />engin�er, sha11 forthwith calculate the propez amount to <br />be spacially assessed for such improvement against •very <br />asseasable 1ot, piece c�r parcel of land the dfstirct <br />af£ected, urithout �egard to cash �aluatinn�. as pxovided by law, <br />�nd she shall file a copy of such propos�� assesstn�nt ln her offic• <br />• for public inspection. <br />• 3. The Cierk shall, upon the campletion of sueh proposed <br />assessn�nt, notify tho Couocil thersof . <br />The motion for the adoption of �ho foreqoing xesolution"�aas <br />• duly seconded by Trustee _,��� and boing <br />• taken thareon, the following voted in favos thersof :�l,l,� <br />and the following voted aqainst the sam�s�.c� <br />wMrsupon said resolution was detla�ed duly pasaed and adopt�d. . <br />