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0 <br />�_� <br />t41 i�UTES OF SPEC f AL CGUP•iC! � P1�ET i iJG OF THE V I LLA6E COUNC I L <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br />hlonday - October b, 19G9 - 7:30 P.P1. ' <br />Call to Qrder and Roli Caif <br />Mayor [3jorndahl called the rneeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br />Preseni: Mayor E3jerndahl, Councilinen Crepeau, Hollenhorst and <br />Henderson <br />Absent: Councilman Olmen <br />P.Iso Present: Village Engineers Donald Lund and Norman Hendrickson, <br />Village Treasurer PJarth 3. Read, Eiuiiding �nspector Clay <br />• Kelley, Fiscal Agent Pet�r S. Popovich and Deputy Clerk <br />Florence M. Honan <br />Purpose of Speciat Meetinq <br />Mayor Bjorndahl explained that this meeting was to consider bids <br />for the water improvements and to hold a pubtic hearing regarding <br />assessments for Wafer Improvement o8-I and Sewer Improvement 9. <br />'��!ater Improvemenfis 68-2 and 68-3 tiids <br />Engineer Hendricl<son submit�tad tabula'tion of the bids for these two <br />(2) projects which were received Friday, October 3, 1969, at 2:00 <br />p.m, t+lr. Greiling, HU� represeni-ative was present at the bid <br />opening. <br />Engineer Hendrickson r�view�d i-hs c0even (II) bids received for <br />Projeci 6i3-2 and the Ten (10) bids for Project 68-3. The bids were <br />discussed by the Ccuncil, b�t the aoiarding was tabled pending the <br />requlred Certiffcate of the Grant Agroemen# from HUD. Council re- <br />quested Nttorney Courtney to pursua the matter by contacting tAr. <br />Eugene Henderson, HUD repre;entative. <br />- lJ�ter lmprove�roent 68-I and Sanitary Sewer <br />�mGrovemenT y <br />Resolutions adopting both as,assment rolls and verba-i-im minutes ot <br />the hearing are attachsd. <br />I970 Squad Car Specificatfons <br />Attorney Courtney submiti-ed specit!cations and adverfisement for <br />bids for a 1970 squad car and r�viawod his letter of October 3, <br />1969, i� which he informed the Council that under the present law <br />it is not necessary i-o adveri-ise for bids on purchaso amounts less <br />than $5,000.00. <br />that the specifications 6e approved and <br />Councilman Crepeau moved, secondod by Councilman Npnderson,/that <br />the Public Safetv Coinmit�lee be aut��orized to obtain fiwo {2) or <br />more bids for a �esv squad car, as per the ai'1•ached specificatlons <br />for Council considera'iion; noiion carried unanimously. <br />Case No. G9-20 - P4r, and Mrs. RoSert Ualzen <br />Mr. and fArs. Dalzen and Pirs. Dorothy Smith, realtor, were present. <br />. P,fter some discussfon, Councilman Fio!lenhorst moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Crepeau, i-ha't 'iha Councii decisian of September 29, 1969, <br />be sot asido, thereby reinstating 1-he approval of tiie variance re- <br />•" �uest and the issuance of t'�e buildin; pe�mi�; motion carried unan- <br />imously. <br />Attorney Conrtney summarized his letter of October 3, 1969 regarding this caae. <br />Planninp Commission Resiqnai�ion <br />Lei'ter, dated Septemb3r 30, 1969, from Lois Jones su6mitted her <br />resignation from the Pianning Commission because of increased re- <br />sponsibilities at home. Councilm�n Hollenhorst moved, seconded by <br />Councilman Crepeau, that the resigna'Flon he accepted and requested <br />Clerk Administrator Lcrraine Stro�nquisi- to send a le'Yter to Mrs. <br />Jones acknowleda'ng her service as a member of the Commission; motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />_� <br />