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� � , `- <br />• Mr. Ralph Perry, 3670 New Srighton �oad: Asked if he <br />would get service to both of his parcels of property. <br />From the Audience: Suqgested that it would be better to <br />run the aewer lines in back of the property on New Briqhton Road. <br />Mrs. Alex Chvestuik, 299 Atwater, St. Paul (Owns property <br />on Z'hom Drive just off of Clevelan8): �uestion re assessments. <br />Mr. Thomas Campbell, 3707 New Brighton Roade Aaked when a <br />map would be available to shaa exactly whexe the sewer lines <br />are to go. <br />Mr. �iayne DeLange, 3747 New Brighton Road: In favor of the <br />improvement with the sewer lines in back of the property. <br />i�r. 7'homas Campbell (Spoke before): Suggeated that it <br />would be better for all building sites i£ the sewer lines <br />would be at the back of the property on New Brighton Road. <br />.....The Mayor indicated that the Councll would get a <br />finalized drawing before proceeding . . . . . <br />. . . . .The hearing closed . . . . . <br />� <br />