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<br />V I LLA�E UF P,RC;::4 H I lLS
<br />hlonday - July I�', 1969 - 8:00 p.m.
<br />Cail to Order
<br />Pursuant to duo caC� and notice thereof, the rogular meeting of the
<br />��illage council of ArdFn Nil�s was called to order by Mayor [3jorndahl
<br />at the vfll�ge hall, fe�50 W. Hiyhway 95, on Monday, July �4, 1969 at
<br />8:05 p.m.
<br />Roil Call
<br />Present: hl�yor Bjorndehl, Counciimen Crepeau, Olmen, Holfenhorst a�d
<br />Henderson
<br />Absent• Ncne
<br />Atso Present: Viliage Ati'orney Vincent P. Courfiney, Engineer Norman
<br />Hendrickson, Treasurer '�Jorth G. Road, Ruilding InspecTor
<br />Clay Kelley, h4aintenance Supervisor Everett Beecher, Clerk
<br />Adminlstrator Lorraine Stromquist and Ueputy Cierk Florence
<br />f�1. Honan
<br />i4inutas
<br />The minutes of the regular council meefiing of June 30, 19G9, were ap-
<br />proved as amsnded,
<br />Water improvsments 58-Z and 68-3, Advertisement for F31ds Ordered
<br />After some discussion regarding the need for municipal water at the
<br />Arden Hilis vibrary and fihe Va�entine Hiils Elementary School (a re-
<br />presentative from the Mounds Vie•� School District was present), the
<br />council determined to divide fh� two proposed improvements into two
<br />projects eac!i as follows: bJater Improvement 68-2, Project No. 1 to
<br />consist of i-tie area to and including 1-he library and fhs school, Pro-
<br />ject No. 2- thc� Shorewood Hills - Valentine Hilis area; iJater Impro-
<br />vement 68-3, Project No. I to conslst of the aroa east of STH 51, and
<br />Project No. ?- the area west of STN 5i. Councilman Crepeau moved,
<br />seconded by :;ouncil+nan Olmen that thc� plans and speciflcations pre-
<br />�ared by Ban;ster Engineering Cvmpany be approved and that the village
<br />advertise for bids for the proposed �,�ater Improvements 68-2 and 68-3;
<br />that the specifications inc{ude a cos�pletion date in 1969 for Project
<br />t�o. I of 'datar Improvement 68-2, and alternate bids for 1969 and 1970
<br />completion dafies tor tho ba�ance of the improvements; that the bid
<br />opening be schadufed for August 8, i7G9, at 2:00 p.m. at the vitlage
<br />hal! and auti,ori<-ed Clei�k Ndminfstra'ior Lorraine Stromquist and Eng-
<br />ineer Pdorm H�:ndrickson to open the bids,/motton carried unanimously.
<br />a!I as per attached resolution;
<br />Cortroi Data Corpora-i�ior�_Tsmporary :;ertif3cate of Occupancy
<br />hir, Roger l.ind was prosant to represant Control Data Corporatlon.
<br />Foilowing sone discussion and �Yhe reading of the building inspector's
<br />report on i�h;s mattar, Councilman Ho3tanhorst moved, seconded by Council-
<br />man Crepeau, approval of tYie issuance of a temporary certificate ot
<br />occupancy tc Control Dai-a Corporai'ic�n tor its research building at
<br />4201 North Lcxington A«enue; said certificate to be valid until Sept-
<br />ember f3, 1965 teinnt wo-�eks); and fihat safety precautions and sani#ary
<br />cond�tions be the ''05pOf151�illiry ot '�:onrrol �ata Corporai'ion; motion
<br />carried unanimously.
<br />� ReG Fox Road_Inprovemoni_
<br />Floyd Snyker, assistan; enyineer from the Ramsey County Highway Depart-
<br />ment, presen-�ed plans and specifica�ions for the county improvement
<br />of Red Fox Rcad, inciuding a minfr�um storm sewer instailation. [3anister
<br />Engineering Company/�-� provide Rams�,y County with plans and speciti-
<br />cations for the seaer and o-�ater u�ili�hles .�hich �re to be in�luded
<br />in the bid. Ardon Flltls' share or` the road improvement is estimated
<br />at S's0,000 i43Iy0p0 -torard i-ne road and �9,000 toward the storm sewer);
<br />this amount iT�si- b� paid tc the county before thc� bid is awarded.
<br />6ids are fo b� roceiveQ by Ramsey County on August 6, 1969. Th� tab-
<br />ulation of ih�se bids t�ili be availab!a to Ard�r Hills for the Rugust
<br />Ii, 1969 T,�eetlr.g.
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