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� <br />east of Interatate Highway 35LV, except the area previously <br />included in Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 6 as described in the <br />notice of hearing at a cost presently estimated to be approximately <br />$261,600, and aubatantially in accordance with the preliminary <br />engineer's report as to the feasibility thereof which is now on <br />file in the office of the Clerk Administrator; and havinq con- <br />sidered the views of all interested peraons and being fully <br />advised in the premises, the Council does hereby determine and <br />order that said improvement shall be constructed and financed, <br />and special assessments shall be levied therefor. pursuant to <br />• said Chapter 429, and that the area proposed to be assessed <br />therefor shall include the property as described in the notice <br />of hearings and that Banister Engineering Co. ia hereby directed <br />to prepare and submit to the Council final plans and specifications <br />for the construction of said improvement. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoinq resolution <br />was duly seconded by Councilman Creoeau , and upon roll <br />call vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor <br />thereof: g�arndahl, Crepeau, Hollenhorst. aod Henderson <br />and the following voted against; None <br />wheraupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />� <br />