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Minutes of Regutar Councii Meeting <br />Page Four <br />5epi. f0', 1974 <br />Case No. 74-2b, lot Split - Jerome Weavar <br />�ilte� referred Counci! to his report of 8/28/79; explain8d that <br />the previously approved plat of Weaver Oak Heights was not reeorded; <br />lot 3 of plat was spitt from the parcei earlier thts year; split <br />ot lot t from the property, as proposed, comptetes the pt�t, Miller <br />noted that the contingenc3es for plat approval were the rmquire- <br />mant of dr�inage easements as indicated, to satisfy park dsdication <br />requtremen�s for the property, and gradtng.ot tha aite Fn con4orm- <br />ance rfth fihe approved grading plan. <br />Mi�ler reparted that the Planning Commfssion recommends Cauncii <br />� epprava! ot ths !ot sptlS as requested, confiingent upan City 5ngin- <br />eer's approval that grading has Deen compieted to his sattsfaction. <br />CrEchian rooved, seconded by Haneon, that Council appro�e the lot <br />split con?tngent upon required g�adi�g co�pletion. Motton carriad <br />�nanfmously. <br />Ca <br />t - Reaw deitna and <br />Mlller referred Gounctl to his reporfi {8/3Q/79) and to transparenctes <br />ot attashmenis thereto; explained that the appiica�f praposes to <br />renovate the s�rvice station on County Road E tbetween Flaherty's <br />and St. Pau1 800k) for use as a real esteta affice; extarior of the <br />butiding evtll be af stucco and rough-sarn cadar. <br />Mbller reported ?het the Planoing Commission axpressed conaern re <br />an addt4lonai access onto Caunty Road E at an alread� conges�ed <br />area; recommends Councfi approva! of isauance af a Butiding Permit <br />for the .renovatioe as proposed, co�tinge�t upon expansion of tha <br />eesterly green bouisva�d area ta encourage Ingt'sss to the sFte <br />only from County Rosd E. (ingross and egresa at Connaliy Ave. <br />atcess dr9ve); on site signage "Entrance onty" at the County Road <br />E access. <br />After discussioo, Winger# a�oved, seconded by YFoodburn, that Counci! <br />approve issuance ot n Bqliding Permit for the bulldfng and afte <br />reno��ot!on as orcy�osad, wSfih the following ptovisions: <br />i. 2pft wide access drive to be signed for "Entrance Only°. <br />2. Approi�a! of suitabte laqdscape and {igh•Ping pians, 8nd. <br />determinatton of suitable Isndscape tiond by the Cit . <br />P I anner. ���' �.,�9�'i"� �- <br />3. Coastruction o# a suitable grade separatton�on nbrth <br />property`Iln� ta prevent eroslon, if nscessary. <br />_ Motion carried (Wingert, Woodburn, Hanson, C�epeau vo#ing in favor <br />of the motfon; Crichton voting in oppositton), <br />Mlnimum Distanca of Drtvera frpm Si�reet Intersections <br />Miller refea�red hIs repor# (S 30/79l re recomweniSat{ons <br />. • for regula4lag the iocation of drteeways relaiive to stroet Inter- <br />• sections; reported that the Propased Zoning Ord�rrance canfiains <br />regutations whtch he suggested could be incorporated in fhe exlsting <br />ordinance (58ctiora IV, I); suggested thAfi dTstartce be measureC from <br />st�eet right»af-way IPne lnstead of st�eet "curb i{na": <br />"OTstance shatl be measured along street <br />rlght-of-way Itne between the nearest - <br />clriveway edge and, the nearest rlght-of- <br />way fine of the intersecting sfireet." <br />and the follo+ring sentenca be added to the "Access" paragraph: <br />"Aoy residenfiial lot v�h[ch has frontage <br />on a locai or cotfector street and a � <br />maJor or minor arteria! (as defined by <br />the Comprehensive Plan of Rrde� Mifis) <br />sha11 gafn aecess on:y fram the iocal <br />or coilector street," <br />Mfiler repdrted tha,+ the Planning Commisstan recammeod� apprqval <br />of ths suggested changes <br />