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• w, _ <br />_�" <br />� <br />�� <br />f4lfJU'fE5 OF SPECiNL J09NT <br />Yiliages of Arden Nills <br />Thu�sday, Juno 7, 1979 - <br />Shore�i9ew Viliage Hafi <br />Call to Order <br />Pursuant to due calf and <br />Spocia8 P9oeting -Yo ord�r <br />over -ro Nayor Wadelf to <br />trom Shoreview and Arden <br />prob lom5. <br />COUNC�L hfEETlNG <br />and Shoreview <br />7:30 p.n. <br />notice therooP, Mayor Crepeau called the <br />at 7:34 p.m., and turned the meeting <br />chair. This maeting with representatives <br />Hiils was called to discuss mutual <br />RoBi Call <br />Present: Shoreview h9ayor Wedeif, Counci{members McGraw and <br />Weyand'�, Arden Hilis Mayor Crepeau. Councilmembers <br />Crichton, Woodburn and Wingert. <br />Rice Creek M'atershed District Representatives �oyer, <br />Hamdlton, Dimke ancl Weidenbacker <br />Arden Hills Engineer pon Christoffersen <br />Shoreview Engineering Assistant Bob Johnson, City <br />Pianner R11ke Btack. <br />Mr. CY�ristoffiersen presented t�o proposals for storm water plans <br />3n the Lexington Avenue and 694 drainage area. One p{an was <br />iabeled Base Plan. The other k•as labeled Alternative "A". Mr. <br />Chrls-toffersen indicated that the mafn difiFerence in the plan is <br />that i�hs Base Plan inciudes a 72 inch storm pipe along the norfih <br />E-694 right-ofi-way from Lexington Avertue to a pond labeled B-2. <br />Mr. Ciiristotfersen stated that -rhe �4lnnesota Department of <br />Transportation is in favor of the Base Plan because it handies <br />ehe 5U year flood. He stated fihat h1nDOT is sesrching for funds <br />to do the work. Mr. Christoffersen briefly described the proposed <br />cost of tho project and the assessment to each city. <br />i�ayor Wedeil s�ated thafi Shoraview does recognize th� drainage <br />and #raffic problems in the area. He suggested that i-he two <br />storm plans be sen# -to sfaff for further study and recommendation. <br />Shorev3ew Cc�uncilmember �IcGraw ques'tioned the necessity of pipes <br />as opposed fio ditches. <br />Shoreview staff �aas dir�3cted to find out whether or not Mr. <br />Reiidng dedicafed some land nortn ofi I-694 for a holding pond. <br />Shorevi�W questions.that atl the a!i'ernatives have 6een considered. <br />For example, the cost of acqufring land for use as pondirtg could <br />reduco the size and exteni' of pipes for drainage, and hence reduce <br />the cos� of the total projact. Aiso, Shoreview needs to determine <br />what fis ass�ssabio acreage, 4etoro the best plan is daterminable. <br />The Shoreview s�rategy Is to clean �p Lexington/F drainage now and <br />as far south as 9-694. The trade-offs on pipes versus ponds will <br />at aeast be worked to identify a solution to 4he.norfih area. <br />There v�as generai agreemenf with i-he objective of finding ponding <br />north of a-b94 if possible, and aiso expectation of bsing abSe to <br />find ponding soui�h of i-694 to amoliorate i-he soutf�ern area pro- <br />Ject costs. Finding the money for thls r�ill be another set of <br />fssuos Shoreview must work. Whether or not to proceed with the <br />south area nora or �to defsr tfi to 6a-ter, recognizing fihe assessment <br />�rob9oms that may bo a r�sul�t or dofarring, was fihe final issue <br />discussed as beino part of the trado-offs. <br />Resoi�•od was fio have the engineers {-or Arden Nills and Sfioreview <br />mee-F �o dev�fop i-no facfivai informafilon for the trade-off5. <br />tdr. Bcb Hamif�on suggested that as much upI-ond s#orage of water as <br />poss161e be done in order fio reduce pipe siza downstream. <br />RCi�D sTresses waT�r quality at leash as much as water quanfiity. <br />ilence upland ponding is particul�rly welcome because It accomplishes <br />boi�h objectives. I!� this discussi�n it was brought out fihai� �etuxe <br />Check is adding a pond fio cover fheir Proposed addii'ion. This <br />w6i8 be s6zed at 100 year sfiorm eontainment dimensions. RClVD will <br />pursue as much addifiional ponding on the site, for water qua4ity <br />as wei! as c{uanfiity control, es can be provided to cover the <br />-t- <br />