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� <br />� <br />M4NUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEET'ING <br />Vtiiage of Arden Hilks <br />Monday, Aprtl 2, 1979 - 8:00 p.m. <br />Village Hail <br />Call to Order ' <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereo#, Mayor Crepeau called the <br />meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. <br />Roll Cal1 <br />Present: Mayor Henry J. Crepeau, Jr., Councilmen Ward Hanson, <br />Charlie Crichton, James W6ngert and Robert Woodbur�. <br />Absent: None. <br />Also Present: Eng3neer pona9d Christoftersen, Treasurer ponald <br />l.amb, Cierk Adminfstrator Charlotte hlcNiesh. <br />REPORT OF V9LLAGE ENGlNEER COFdALG CHRiSTOFFERSEN <br />Christoffersen reviewed dragfi of teasibTlity <br />face Mater dratnage for proposed Improvement <br />Map of Altornate A was corc-ected to provide- <br />A-3 to the 36" culvert under s-694. <br />repori� covering sur- <br />ST 74-I Revised. <br />for a pipe from,Bastn <br />The Base Ptan incorporatos the Mn/DOT drainage report of 12-21-77 <br />which lncludes an intercepYor storm seber that diverts drainage <br />away from Lexington Avenue, I-694 intersectfon and down stream <br />sewers. The capacity of the storm sewer along north side of 1-694 <br />provides for 50 year frequency storm. <br />The AI�Fornate A Plan has been revised and is essen�Yfally the same <br />as presenfied in the ST 74-? Report, exceFt detention basins are <br />d�signed for 100 year rather than 25 year average frequency storm. <br />RCWD requlres all detention basins withi�_fihe Watershed Oistrict <br />to be designed for 100 year storm. <br />The five year storm is the basls ofi storm sewer design except for <br />segment along north side of I-694. <br />Estimated costs include construci'ion plus 10% contingency and E2$ <br />for Regal, engineering and adminlstrative costs. Costs for land <br />acquisi-r(on are not ivaluded. Estimated cost for Base Plan is <br />b1,762,200. Alterna-te A is Si,326.200. <br />Base Plan is more expensive because of <br />interceptor storm sewer on north side <br />veloping detention Basfn C--I. <br />additbonal cost of 72" <br />of I-694 and the cost of de- <br />The Base and Alternate A Plans will adequately drafn the County <br />Ditch 12 trlbutary area. <br />Detentlon easins A-3 and B-2 iocated on Land 0'lakes p�operty were <br />discussed at some length. <br />A Joint Powers Agreement betwaen Arden Hills, Shoreview, Ramsey <br />County and Mn/DOT should be approved prlor to undertakTng the im- <br />_ . provement. <br />The CounciE concurred that: <br />I. <br />2. <br />FinaR raport should include land costs. <br />Draft copy shouid be sent to government agencies invotved <br />and tn Land 0'Lakos. <br />3. SpecEal Council Meetfng should be scheduled for Thursday, <br />April 4th at 5:00 p.m. at the Vtllage Nall to dtscuss <br />drainage plans w�th�Dant of :and 0'Lakes. <br />__�_ �. <br />