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NI�UTES OF REGUTAR COUNCIL MEET6NG March 26, 1979 <br />Page fiive <br />Public Works Buildin Landsca � Plan <br />Cr chton referred Council to the modirisd landscape plsn indicating <br />plantings on the east stde on the prope�fiy east of ths City�s <br />PublPc �orks property. <br />Crichto� moaed, seconded 5y Wingert, trhat Council authorize that <br />this plenting be done on the adJacent property, continge�t upon <br />approval of the properiy owner. �otion ca.rried unanimousty. <br />Crichton agreed to ask the property o�ners for a walver of trespass <br />permitting the City to plan4 as per 9andscape plan. <br />AdJou�nment <br />• Wingert moved, seconded 4y Nnnson, that the meetfng adJou�n at <br />11:02 p.m. Motion carrled unanimous9y. <br />�� � / �' <br />G�.-"..[��' I�C' ��_�/� .a /�1�!!'7- .�_, <br />, _ �a��,, , _ <br />. <br />N07@CH OF MEEYINGS: <br />ApriB 2, 1979 - Specinl Counci! Neeting at 8:00 p.m. at the Ylilage <br />Na81, <br />April 9, 1979 - ReguOar Council Meeting at y:30 p,m. at the VIOQaga <br />iial9. <br />� <br />-5 - <br />