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CC 01-15-1979
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 01-15-1979
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w. <br />Minutes of Regular Ccuncil Meefilag January 15, 19T9 <br />�age three <br />• <br />struction equipment and vehlcles fn residentiai areas, outside <br />storage of waste, debris, garbag�, etc. <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br />Ftre Protectlon Board Meetinq <br />Woodburn reported that the Fire Department Reliet Association is <br />applytng to the State of Mi�nesota for permission to increase the <br />pensions of retired Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department flre- <br />fighters from $180.00 per month maximum to 5240.00 per month <br />maxtmum. Council concurred that a letter should be sent to our <br />legislators supportive of the pensfon increase to be paid out of <br />State funds. <br />�9t was Counctl's understanding that there will be no additional <br />cost to the City.) <br />Woodburn reported that the Fire Oepartment is purchasing a 300 <br />gallon "mini-pumper"; referred Cou�cll to letter f�om Fire Chief <br />Koch (12-I-78) and to memo from �ublic Works Supervisor Johansen <br />re release of firefighters from the6r Vfllage jobs to attend fires <br />during the day. <br />After discusston, Council concurred that routinely two firefighters <br />be authorized to respond to day-time fires, unless it is known to <br />be a major flre, 1� which case aii fireftgnter empioyees are <br />authorized to respond. <br />McN{esh was requested i�o relay ?i�ls Council dptermiaatton to <br />Johansen and 8uckley. <br />and Shorevlew tno benefit fo A�den Hills). <br />2. E02, focatad at New k3righton Road and Hudson. <br />3. D02 and D03a located at Control Date; unless Cbntrol <br />Data wishes to retaln these at thel� expense.. <br />Publtc 5afetv Committee Recommendations: <br />A. RamseY County Street Liqhts <br />Woodburn reported that the Public Safety Committes �ecommenQs <br />that the following Ramsey i.ounty lights be turned off: <br />1. A07 and A08, located at the far edge of fhe Arsenai <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, thafi Council concur with <br />the PublBc Satety Committe�'s �ecommendatfons to turn off <br />three Ramsey County Itghts plus the two at Control Data, unless <br />Contro! �sta Corporation dasires them at their expense. <br />Woodburn moved to amend th� motio� to add D08 to Ilst ot <br />lights to be turned off (ioca4ed at Trinity Lutheran Church, <br />New Br�ghton Road, north of Jerrold Avenue); notad that <br />there are tao iights on tha�t pole at present, one of which <br />seems sufficlent. <br />Motlon as am�nded carri�d unanfmous8y. <br />Council encouraged the formuBation of pollcies for strest <br />light instaliattons such as TfBffIC� visual barrlers, street <br />� curves, etc. for Council cansideration, . <br />McNiesh was requested to provide Council with a map of the <br />existinq Ramsey County iight locations and to check wtth <br />Northern States Power re direct blll,ing for street lights <br />to private residents or businesses. <br />B. Communitv Service Ofticer Schedule <br />Woodburn reported that the Pubiic Satety Committee recommends <br />that the CSO Off(cer's hours be maintained at four hou�s per <br />day aad that his duties be Itmited to animal control. <br />Councll concurred wtth �the Public Saf.ety Committee �ecom�uenda- <br />tion. <br />-3- <br />
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