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�� . _ . <br />ARinutes oi Special Council t�leeting <br />Vi11a�;e of Arden Hills <br />September 17g 19u3 <br />He: Eond �ale for Sanit�ry Sewor I:aproveraent Noe o <br />Conden;nation blatters = Stephenso❑ and AT'neson (Grotto Cl:�b) <br />Pdeetin� was called to order by P.9a�:or Kennedy at F3;05 pomm <br />fio11 Call: Present a P,°ayos� +�e��nedy, Tx�ustee� Nettiercut and Crepeaug <br />Cler:: Inrr•aine Stror:.quist <br />Absent = Trustee Olr.�en <br />A1 o Yre^ent � Villa�e Atty, V�ncent L�. Courtney, <br />9 J <br />• i'iscal A�*ent Yeter S, Yopovich, <br />� Gerald Luetow, C.:Airman oi' the L�nF I�an��e <br />Plant�in� Coca;rission and members, <br />5� <br />lY1�'�'� <br />Bond Ssle /,�i�-�+�'' <br />As per �inutes"ea�e as submitted by the oifice of Peter 5. Popoviehm <br />Grotto Club Condemnation �tatter <br />rry c oug ap�eare n eno 01 :iis iatner—in�law, Al:�ert Schweizer <br />740 Hiver Drive, ile stated tha� -:_re Sc_.r:�eizel� had si�ped an earnest <br />rrioney contrect Sor t'iie purchase of' this property from P�?rsv�aret <br />Arneson, but due to discrepancies in tne title and liens a�tainst the <br />propertys the propei•ty is not L.arketa:;le, A1ry ';.:cC�ough Sniornied the <br />Council that t'aeir intention is to de�:iolish ttie nuild:.n�;s and to <br />construct two homea on t,�is site, <br />Pdatter referi•ed to Atty�• Courtney to confer with Mr. Stecker� Attp, <br />ior ;?�•s. Arneson, to assure demolition of the er.isting buildin�=So <br />The Council decided to def'er action ur�til the meeting of Septo 30, 19ti3. <br />Stephenson Yroperty <br />R9r. �tep enson not appeat�, The �ou�cil deierred action until th� <br />meetin�^ oS Ue�;t. 30, 1�3u3a iieferred to C1ray Kelleys :iuildin� Ipspector9 <br />to a�ain talk ueith Pdr. Stephenson to attempt to accelerate action, <br />Elected Ofiicirls Salpries, <br />g. our ney presen e e Cou�,cil �: itti a letter, cou:piled t�y him� <br />e�hich related past proceciures on deterr�ination oi ealaries. He <br />recoi.�:iended that bhis be studied before any action is takenm <br />Dynacast, Inc. SeweT F�acility. <br />' e se��er aeTv3.ce ior �9nac�st, Inc. vr�� rliscussecla The esti..�ated <br />cost oi' �5,000 *r:us not included in the cost for S,S. Irc:pr. Nom 6 <br />As the proposed buildin� had not heen considered at that time, Tt <br />was su�f•ested tiiat a Chan�e Order be pdded to t::e ori�-ina1 conti�act <br />and ;Tra 1�JQT'Pen f:rennan, the Land Developer, prepay this assessr,;ant <br />within tiie allotted thirty days n?te2� tne pul'�lic hearin�* on assess= <br />ments ior t:•;i� iL.provee:ent, iioieri�ed Go Attya Cou7�tney to confer <br />with ;;":r. L'rennan ibr a€reer,�ent to t'.iis solutiono <br />Zonin� �r 'inance AL:endn:ent <br />Magor FLennedy au �� e o Atty. (:ourtney a di��it of a ps�o�osed addi= <br />tion to �he .�onin� Ordinance re�r�i•din� ;arm anir.,als, wizich would de= <br />fine tha tel�a;s o� tne pre:�ent U����inance and possibly elirainate any <br />���. Atty. Courtney recoc,....ended that the Oi�clinance be amendeda <br />Lon� t�an�e I'lannin� Conm,i�sion <br />era :ue ova fl,� mem >eTa o ne Lon�^ han�'e Pla ining Coc.m. expres�d <br />concern about the lack oi cor:uau iieatif�n Uetween this Cor,.�.�a end the <br />Plannin!- and %onine Cor,;�... Trv.stee Nethercut, with another ciember <br />of his Coc,mittee, of�ered to rieet with i.[r, Eiuetov� �nd P+lr. llaleg Pro= <br />fe�sionnl Planner f'or the Vill�Fe, to discuss a solution to the <br />prd;�lem. <br />Meet �djourned at :15 p.c:. <br />�"�— <br />yor D. F. enne y C erk or:�a ne tromq s <br />