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CC 08-26-1963
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City Council Minutes
CC 08-26-1963
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�,,�L <br />r <br />�' _ , <br />a <br />n <br />��',, <br />Minutea oY Ragnlar Council Moeting <br />Village of A�n Hilia <br />August 26, 19b3 <br />MeeLing srae cu7.led to order by Msqor Sammc�yr at 8:00 p.m. <br />Roll C$llt Presant � Mayor IS�naQjr� Truateea Nethercut, Crepesu :td Oiaiane <br />Clerk I� Stranquiat <br />Abaeut m None <br />• Also Present - Cl�y* Kell�y � Villaga Building Inapector and Attye <br />Joe. Salland tor :illsge Atty. Courtaey <br />� <br />The miuntes oi' the Regular C�uncil Meeting oP Angust l2� 196j �rere approved se <br />mnended; The miautea oY t1x Speoial of Auguat 3$� 196j - Condemaation <br />Aearinga � uere approvad as ad�ai.ttad, <br />ste henaon Condemnation l+tatter _ _ <br />M�or R�nne rsa a ter Clsy+' AeiTey whioh atated that Mr. Aelley had <br />remioepeotad the Staphenaon property� lb5$ Lake Johar�na Blvd,s and datailed <br />to Mr. "3tbpl�bf�ori Che" eiriicturaI _de"te"ct:�""t}!�t`3ldiidi5d' t�miiedia�e ,;aorrectioa, <br />Mr. Selley atated at thia meeting that t5r. Stsphetroon hasl �ompTied" xitdi his "" <br />reoo�endaf,iona by"ineta7.13ng the beat� one oi iFie "ixo garaQe doora (the second <br />one is an the aite and uill be isletalled aoon), and ths poat aupporting th� <br />port�on oi ths main etructure had beon repl.aaed. Mr. Kalley inforard ths Conerail <br />that Lhis� masch of the oorrective aaLion_frorild "p"aaa' noripaT""inspectia�s, <br />H� avggeatad that ths Couoail req�at Mr. SLaphenaon to �erita a leLter to eitde�° <br />tthe Co�cil or himeel! matlSnLYg his interided procsiiux�e. <br />Mayar Rennet�y, aa reca�eaded by 29r. Kelley, s+equeated Mr. Stephe�on to Yurniah <br />a proaedures and time achedu]s as eoon aa poeaible and to eonYer irith Mr. gelLey <br />on this mattes. 1�Sr. Stephsnsoa vas requeated to appear again at ths Sep2ap�! 9 <br />- Ceimcil rieeting, <br />Neamy Matter • <br />�1llard Nea�y, 3171 N. Lexingtan Aveaue, s�era present and thanirod <br />the Couocll for the aotion an the retaining wa17. to be built Dy il. N. Schs°oede� <br />j167 Shoreiitts Lane, Mr, fieanp reqtmesLed an extsation o£ tlme on the inetalia� <br />tioa oY aewer until avch tima ae the wall is coneQructed ta eli.minats problemee <br />The CmaiciS a�reed Lo eatend Lhs Limo tn October ls a963. <br />Seuer Stub Prob]mmTM Couooil ags�eed to gr�►� a requieat l�om Mr. Wsyns W6itehills <br />nar n d, to pqy h7m $125,d0 for extra work invo'Ived in locating <br />the atnb faa� serss aoaetruction to hie home. The atnb wae not located at ths <br />placs deatgnated an the sewer c6astructim map: Clerk requeaie6 �o iminde �.liia <br />cheok witJs the clai�e Por pepment Lo ba appraaad at thia �eting as Mr. White- <br />ls111 had alraa� psid ths Cmtractor. I%ferred to Hanistei^ $ngiaeering Co. to <br />dstermirn the itabilitye <br />. CnnaLx�uctian C laint _.. _ _ _ <br />G�aq e y nmme "�Fa Conacil tha! he had reoeived a compiatnt an the rsbuild- <br />o is►g of a tool ehed a► the L1oyd Sathrs propertq, 3300 Lalae Johanna"Biwd. Mr. <br />Reliq atatad thet tts ttructurs ie in violation of the aet back code and shovid <br />bs referred to ths Hoard ot Appealu Co�nittee. He beliewa th98 rebuilding would <br />came mndsr !he olaeeifiaatia� of nesr canstructiau ae it ie being canpletoly <br />rebuilt. <br />Mr. Sathre w�e prasez►E ud stated that tha tool ahed was being rebuilt Yor eethati� <br />reasaiso <br />Trvatse Crapeau marved, aeoonded b�r Truatee Olmen, tha8 the building permiL b. <br />granted; motioa oarried. <br />Re est fot Lot DivSsiaat <br />a ar ows a� 8'�''B�pard Avenus, Si. Pan�s presented a aketah oY properCy <br />located on the north ahore oi Lake Joaaph3nes 3j00 Ingeraon Road' and requested <br />permissia� to divids thie la� into three �,ots with e�arman road for servic., <br />Rei�rrad to 1'rwtee NethsrcuL's Qoaaoitie� - PTann3ng and Zming, <br />m oantianed �. <br />
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