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P� S l4inutea of Regular Couacil Me¢ting n�ust 26, 19b3 <br />9illa � Saii in�rovemeat • aan�d, _ _ <br />n+�or asmzeac� rsoo�e�ea tieat tt�e t�ating i�provemes�t project be aaamidex+ad for <br />imvaediats action to el3minate noias a�"bpoY heating thta wiuter, <br />CLrk inlmmed the Cmsici], that #7.�UOC ras budgeted Per Ymprovems� fac 1963 end <br />$1s000 t+S11 be budgated fa� 19b4; hortNv+er, �397 oP this has been apeat fbr ihe eever <br />oeauieotion oP the Po1Lce Dept. bu11d3ng. Finanain� oS 3mproremente �n bs legelly <br />epread over s fiv� y+oar period and xmiey can be bar��rowed to PaY the �Lractors. <br />HuAgei Comoitte� <br />� —LlarTcin�'"'ora�a'$"i5e Cmimcil that the 1964 sndget Cm::mittse xill �met on xueeaay, o�t, <br />Angnet 29. <br />�,F"v�.�;a���� ,�s� � ,r <br />Attg. 3a11aa�d fa� Villap ASlyE Conrtney reported oa the YollowiAg matterat <br />Pi a �'r er <br />. es reqnastod mioLhar areating viLh Nir. Pil�rea oa tl� pm�c}�eing oY certaia <br />pruperty ir�om Mr. Pilgrea for 9illage tae. Atty. fee]a� Mr. Pilgren doee nok fully <br />unc�reLaod ttie traneaoCiat, <br />Tranm EaeemenL <br />easemen hae been aent to Rtahard doms, �tLy. for I�, Tr�n, por emottC3,on, <br />Mr. Jonea x7.L1. abtNnpC to raturn �Co ths AtSy.�a oifice aexL vseg. <br />c. a. xesA �na <br />Att,q, infoxvqd,C, ae Aa1n of the neceseary bdt►dar for aSreat and aeaer project. The <br />�eding o! ths two laEs o! thiaplat to the Village ahould be delerrad vntil atEer Ehe <br />P1aC has been recorded, . <br />.e Jffi11iH1'P a1�fYT�� 1MTwARewasfVt 1Qw_ Iti �. � �� <br />ay�y� satlaoa read a iett,�r tlm��s �ooTi,iae— ai�SYroad Co. ta Atty. Cau�ney coa�em= <br />3ng Lha pi�pe line 000esiog pere�S.� tu the vl,llage relati.a to ths aomLruction ot Ssn� <br />itary sewer �avemae� Na. 6. Atty. Cmatney wae svecesei'1a7. in ahanging 6hs te�ae <br />oY the agreemeut to t+ead Ll�t Rl�e contract �ould be termittsted ty ei�hsr parL� xitffi <br />a txo qsar notio� Sastead af tha �iginal 3� day notLc�. <br />Truetet Crepaan moved� aeconded b,y Tr�uatea Aethercut, that a resolutiaa br adoptad <br />appraTing ths ooeEraat and suthoris�c3 i�ks ezaoution by t�he Mayor and C].�rk; motias <br />carri�dj cr.�.��-,- (�G,_�e..u�. :�.a.—�.--�w,-�. , <br />•�.1 •1. �I� � ��la� � a� � �i ; � � •�u1` , H' �' •I[1• � - <br />Baild P�sadts <br />�es e siron � Chairiean ot Lh� Plsnning and Z�Sng Cacndtt�«� Iw pr�svionsly <br />diatribtKad copies ot tha reoa�endatione oY this Conmd,ttee pi oh��iOg proosdmrea o! <br />issaSoB buildiag permits !a tt� Village. <br />� I�� Haana�y atated that hs had aoE atudie� the reooannaadstlo�, but 'lilt that ths <br />proosdur� ras auoh too om�g►lioated and m �wrteceasary bnrdsn. iIs doea bsliers in <br />Buar+ltng eoastroe3ties in the V113.age, buC believea the 8niiding Inspeetor ahmil.d <br />earaen pl�ne aad ohe¢k n�th tde Planni3�g Coaaiaittee oz tds Com�ail �+hsn in doub�. <br />Mag� Remisay recommsadsa revS,7ng tns orainanoe to grant tns H�.tlasng mapector <br />Lhe atiLh011ty to hold up pellSte fOT epBCiai r6ieoAso <br />Clay Eelieys Bui]Aln6 Daspaotae'� �tat�d that preaeatly hs does cheCk oitws fa�r drain- <br />a�ea eto. fta atated that no m�mioipality E�as reet�inta aeu esthetia o�ditioms. <br />Ha �dsd tJ�et4 ths pAcaN "�titi¢ttu�es ahopld ba har�a�iow! tvi8h sm�roara3fng�a <br />bmeews a part ad' tF� O�Miaano�. <br />Trs�tss Nethsront inio�eaad ths Couioil that hs reom�nende acti� in the ear�y pl�aing <br />etago� ;ot cronsti�notiaoe <br />Matt�r dsirrtrd for ltiathar �in�. <br />— oantimMd - <br />