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• <br />r1 <br />LJ <br />Page 5 �inutes of Re�ular Counail Mseting June 10, 19Ei3 <br />Magor Kennedy ateted hia feeling that the aystem will be needed in <br />the near ftiture in the induetrial area, <br />Ro�er Moberg, 1315 Tiller 1�ane, steted he is in f�vor of the alter= <br />nate plan for tha preaenC, but is s�ainet surfsce �ater; believea <br />the water program would be an incentive ior more induatr�. <br />Clerk Lorrsine 3tromquist recommended withholdinR a decieion until <br />the peopla were better idformed. <br />Thos. Norkoweki, 3330 N. Dunlap, recommended a Citizens� Co�ittee <br />aonsiating of qualified peraops. He atated thatia in hia opinions <br />the people would rsthex k� ve their inquiriea anawered bp the <br />Council or ra9mbera of e Citizeng� Committee inetead of the Village <br />�n�ineer or Fiacel A�ent. <br />Meyor Kennedy inPOrmod the Council that any aubatantial deviation <br />from the original proposal would necesaitate a new proposal, publia <br />hearing, etc. <br />Truatee Crepeeu moved that tha alternate plan ea proposed at the <br />June 4 Meeting be approved; aeconded bq Maqor Kennedy. Ip � roll <br />cell vote, Truatees Nethercut end Olmen, and Clerk Lorraine 5trom� <br />quiat voted in oppoeition; motion not oarried, <br />Meetiag adjourned �t 12tE5 <br />`,'/� <br />�' f � <br />yor . . enne g <br />�����__ <br />cierk Lorraiae S�roip}$uis� — <br />---_ <br />!� <br />