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.' <br />The �tion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution a�s <br />duly seconded by Truatee Olmen and upon m1I call <br />vote baing taken thereon, the following voted in favor therlo£: <br />• Kennedy, Crepeau, & Stromquist <br />and the £ollowinq voted againat: <br />None <br />wharenpon said resolution wa+s declarsd duly gaseed attd adopted. <br />STATE �' MINNBSOTA ) <br />) SS <br />CGUNT7i OF RAMSEY ) <br />Z, tha underaiqned, being the duly qualified and acting <br />C2erk of the Village oi Arden Hille, Ramsey County, Minneeota, <br />hererby certify that i have carePully catnparec! the attached <br />and foregoing extract of minutes oi a meeting of the Village <br />Counail oi said village held on the date therein indicated <br />with the origfnal of sa3d minutes oa file in my office and that <br />aaid extract ia a fu11, txae and correct tsaneeript of said <br />minutes insofar sa they rel�te to the propoae8 construction of <br />Sanitary Sec�nex Improvement No.6 ia and iar �aid village, under <br />and purauant to Mfnrresota Statute�, 1961, Secs. 429.011 to 429.111, <br />wITN85S MY F1AND and the aeai of said viliage thia � <br />day of June, 1963. <br />• <br />� <br />viilage Clerk � <br />(SEAL) <br />