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�� � <br />Pa�;e �5� Mtraxtes of Rep,ulnr Coancii Neeting Febru� ry �5. 1963 <br />Purohase oi Rada.r Eaui en ' <br />reoammenae on o e aanoe Co:cmitiee, Truatee Crepeau � <br />the purohase of s�der ec!ui�ment Sor uae in enfo�eing apeed laae Su <br />the triilag' and the purohaee of grapt►e if neaeseary; eeconded by <br />Clerk LorxMlns Stromqui�t; motion oa.rriad, <br />Taz Forteited Lend <br />er rr e roma��iet informed Lhe Counatl tiu+t t�r. Crowley, Land <br />Commisaioner, ha.8 callad requeeting aetSoa by the Counoll. on a pareel <br />o! teac forfeited lPnd in the 3osephine Htli.e area, on �ohioti there is <br />a drainage ditoh. Aeferred to oiile�e Atty. for reoommendation. <br />Sewer Ci�+r e Co iaint <br />er rra ae `romauiet rePB a letter, dated Feb. 1�s 1963e 1'r'� <br />Claytion Parka, �r.. Atty. for garkins° Qol! Tees, ob�eoting to the <br />• seMer aharge, explaining tl�L thie eatAbllslmient Se a eea�onal op- <br />eratioa. �eferred to Clerk to nrite to Atty. Perka. Jr. o.n� expiain <br />the breakdoyn o! thie aharge. <br />Sneaial Mee'ti.n�_ <br />ayl�or ��r'eoueate=i tha.t a meetin� oP the Council and the three <br />t�ainin� oomAi� oP the I,ong R�n;;e Plrnniu� Committea meet at <br />�s00 p.m. on 'iaxeh . 1963 at the Village Hall. He etrteci that a <br />x�presentrtioe fCota the 9t. Paul Ol�amber of Corameroe ctili e.lao bs <br />�reaent to give a tN.k' a6 'thie meezin�. <br />North burbea Sanitar ser,er Meeti <br />ar enti e P e� . a e er 1 be wr!,tten to r'�r. Bern�tein <br />eu�;eating the 'Cent�.tive cinte of ".ax'Ch 13s 1963, fo:.^ thie meeting. <br />ms <br />e ee Crepenu aroved the app�O7�a1 an8 payment of the e1s31trs as <br />�eseated by Clerk Lorraine $tromquis4, as per attaohsd; eeoonded <br />Truatee Hethercat; �otioa oarrisd. <br />'e„oard�ale naoenOY- <br />nayas onnsa,� reqnsesea r;e4�meallatione to rill a vaoanop on the <br />Boaxd ot Appeals. Ha rouid �refer the replsoement be aither an <br />eirohiteo� or an �agiaeer. <br />�48@Ti�.Dg 84 f OA31410d Bii �: � 8�0e <br />, / „�� y�� <br />r . . ann � <br />er e romqn s <br />� <br />