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<br />Within landlocked basins, lowest floor elevations must <br />be at least one foot above the surveyed basin overflow <br />elevation. <br /> <br />(k) Development resulting in the creation of impervious <br />surfaces must explicitly address use of best management <br />practices (BMP's) to first limit the loss of pervious <br />area; and second, to infiltrate runoff which does occur <br />from impervious areas to the extent feasible considering <br />site-specific conditions. BMP's include the use of <br />vegetated swales, pond outlets perched above groundwater <br />levels, use of infiltration systems, roof drainage to <br />pervious areas, minimum of twenty percent pervious <br />surface, use of depressed/casual storage areas, and <br />minimization of the number and width of parking stalls <br />and use of deep-rooted native vegetation, and narrower <br />"rural section" roads. <br /> <br />The goal of these BMP's is to incorporate practices into <br />the design which are capable of infiltrating the <br />impervious surface runoff from the Mpls-St.Paul median <br />storm (0.34 inches) in seventy-two hours. Infiltration <br />volume will be calculated using the appropriate <br />hydrologic soil group classification and saturated <br />infiltration rate from the table below. <br /> <br />Hydrologic <br />Soil Group <br /> <br />Infiltration <br />Rate <br /> <br />Soil Textures <br /> <br />A <br /> <br />0.50 in/hr <br /> <br />sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam <br /> <br />B <br /> <br />0.25 in/hr <br /> <br />silt loam or loam <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />0.10 in/hr <br />0.03 in/hr <br /> <br />clay loam, silty clay loam, <br />silty clay, or clay <br />for Small Watersheds, SCS, June <br /> <br />sandy clay loam <br /> <br />D <br /> <br />Source: <br />1986. <br /> <br />Urban Hydrology <br /> <br />Infiltration area will be limited to the horizontal areas <br />subject to prolonged wetting. <br /> <br />Areas of permanent pools tend to <br />capacity overtime and will not be <br />infiltration practice. <br /> <br />lose infiltration <br />accepted as an <br /> <br />(1) Landlocked basins may be provided with outlets only <br />if they: <br />(1) Retain a hydrologic regime which complies <br />with District Wetland Alteration Rule F. <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />, <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />.. <br />I <br />