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<br />. . <br /> <br />, . <br />.J <br /> <br />MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />February I, 1911 <br /> <br />Page two <br /> <br />Mr. Bownlk stated he felt the project could have been completed by <br />April I, 1970 except for easement delays which would have avoided <br />extra cost to the contractor due to the labor strike which started <br />April I, 1970. <br /> <br />After Council discussion, the matter was referred to Banister Engineer- <br />ing Company and Attorney Courtney to study figures presented by the <br />contractor and to submit their recommendations to the Council as to <br />what the Village mIght be legally or morally committed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Reconstruction of Snellln~ Avenue <br />Engineers Anklan and Snyker reviewed the past history of a proposed <br />County Improvement of Snel ling Avenue from Glenarden Road to T. H. 96 <br />and registered their concern that the Village Council den'edapproval <br />of the plans. Mayor Crepeau stated that the Council felt the SnellIng <br />Avenue project should not be started until the State Highway Depart- <br />ment plan for a project from Brooks Avenue to Hamllne Avenue is re- <br />solved. He said that Village officials felt that the basic problem <br />of Snel ling Avenue Is at the Intersection of County Road E and Snelling <br />and that the Village has officially requested Ramsey County to square <br />off the Intersection, Install four-way stop signs and install warnIng <br />lights from the East and South. <br /> <br />Engineer Snyker said that the Snelling Avenue project, the Lexington <br />Avenue project and an Improvement between Lexington and Snelling Avenue <br />are all related projects, but that the State proposal re Hamline <br />Avenue to which the Council Is opposed Is not related to this proposal. <br /> <br />Mr. Snyker said that State Highway Department procedure requires that <br />the County obtain Village approval for plans the entire length of the <br />proposed project to be eiigible for State turnback funds. WIthout <br />such turnback funds, the project would need to be financed locally. <br />He reminded the Council that the approval Is only on preliminary plan$ <br />and can be changed ~n any number of ways after such preliminary approval. <br /> <br />After discussion, the Council asked Engineer Snyker to provide Attorney <br />Courtney with a resolution re the Snel ling Avenue proposal with a <br />report to be made at the Council meeting of February 8, 1971. <br /> <br />Lexln~ton Avenue Con~ept Plan <br />Upon motion by Councilman Oimen. seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst, <br />a resolution, as attached, approving the concept plan of a County <br />Improvement to Lexington Avenue from County Road E to Interstate 694 <br />was approved. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Proposed County Improvement to County Road E <br />A concept plan and map for an Improvement of County Road E between <br />Lexington Avenue and: Snel I ing Avenue was reviewed by Engineers Ank'an <br />and Snyker. After discussion, the Council asked that they provide <br />Attorney Courtney with a copy of the proposed resolution. Report to <br />be given by Attorney at Council meeting of February 8, 1971. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Human RI~hts <br />Councilman Herrick reported that the Human Rights Commission is workIng <br />on a study of housing and have under study the Metro Council No. 19 <br />Guidelines. A resolution from the Commission, fol lowing such guide- <br />lines will be submItted to the Council with the request that the Council <br />endorse It. Clerk Administrator was requested to obtain a copy of the <br />Housing 19 Guidelines for the Vi Ilage Counci I. <br /> <br />Adlournment <br />The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~S <br />orralne E. Sfromqu sf <br />Clerk Admlnlstrato <br /> <br />-2- <br />