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I" <br />appropriated th�rtato by the Vi11aQe ahall b� paid to auGA fund. <br />2. improvin+�nt bo��ds on t3�e account of sanitsxy sew�r improvf- <br />m�nt No. 1 shall b� i�esuod'in tht tatal amount of 5120,000.00, <br />said bonds to b� :20 in number and nu�nber�ci l to 120, boih <br />• inclusiw. and be in tM d�n9m�.natior► of $1,000 �ach and sitall <br />bear dat• of No��mb�r �. 1959 and sha11 b�ar;int�rest at th� r�t� <br />or rat�s d�tarafnld at th�'sa1� tA�roof. payabU NovssNr 1, 196�1 <br />and strolannua:ly thor�aftar an I�lay l and Noveab�r 1 of •aoh yaar; ` <br />and shall ma;ure on Nov��r 'I`in th� y�ars and amounts <br />• as follewss <br />t10,Q00 1960 <br />5�Q00 1961 _ 1476 <br />10,000 1977 - 1979 _ <br />- TDe bond� maturing tn the years 1977 thrauqtt 1974 wf11 be oallabl� <br />; <br />at th� option of the villagt on Nov��aber 1, 1964' and arry interest <br />payAu�t dat�a� thenaftsr at par and actrusd ini�r�st plua a prl�esi.we <br />of � if zedeem�d on or befcr� Ntay.l, 19b9i 1� if rad�e�+►d on or <br />betwtn N w�b�r l, 19fi9 and Nay 1, 1474, and;without pr�miuer if <br />Tqlse►xd on ar aftez Naveml»r 1, 1974. <br />: ' 3. Th� ieprovemtnt bonds shali b� payabltr at e,ny suitabl•' <br />sank or trutt`c4mpany dtsignstad by the purcAases snd the ' <br />z�asonable chargMs of th� paylnq agent ahall M paid by tl�� Viliag�. <br />• / Th� Cl�rk is h�r�by instruct�d to adv�rtisa fot bida for th� <br />• , purchas� of said bonda. &atd adv�rtiaament she11 bR publish�d <br />� oncp in ths Rose Tribuns and 3n Co�re.rciai west. Th� bids shail : <br />bt r�ceived and op�nsd on Novemb�r 3� T959 at.7t00 o'clock P,M. <br />The Coun�il r�serves the right fio r�j��t any or all bids,aznd to <br />r�-advertiss if a b�tt�x pric• can'bs okitainad tMr�by, and to, <br />waive any inforroality in any bid and to adjourn th* sal• if d���nad <br />nectsaery. 5�id pubiished notice of th• sale shal3 M at lba�t <br />� ten day pzior to th� det• of sal�. Said natico sl�a�l state that <br />� <br />I <br />