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I �_ �. <br />• <br />said hfinntapolis, at. �au1 and ::ault Sti�. Asarie <br />Railway Campany+s ri�h*'of-waY SFAroxia+atqiy <br />4G2G fse* to a pai,nt on the r��st line of the <br />SEi af the 5�-,: of 5ec. 28. T�D. A23: thence sautherly . <br />�Iang said west 11r►� of �aid S�.y.s of SE'.. aPpToximately <br />6iG £ept to a point on the south lfne of said <br />.: ::ection 28; ihence southezly along th0 weat line of the <br />L� o€ the E� of Sec. 33. T30� R23 approxie�ately 3120';' <br />thence easterly:and garallal with thR south ltne of <br />ssid Se�tion 33 approximately 1/�4 mil� ta the �ast line <br />of said Section:33, the�ce southerly alan� the'east <br />line of aaid Section 33 a�proxisnately 59� ; ther►ca <br />easterly and pareilel aroi� �he sowtt► 2ins of sectiore <br />34. T3�, R?3� a�s�zoxir.iately 183J' ta a:point on the <br />center line of S.T.H. -�51�129 as it now exist�; thQnce` <br />southerly alang the ten�ex 11ne c+� S.T.H. #5i-12� <br />approximately 555' to its inierseEtian wifih Hamlin� <br />�vs.; thenc� sputhealy along th4 center line of Nas�lSne <br />r`�ve. to fts 3ntRrsaction with thesauth'lin� of said <br />v'ectfan 34; :h�nte eastezly along th� south line af <br />said :�ection 34 329�' to the'point of bsginning. <br />7t�e motion fas the adc�ptit+n of ths faregoinq resolution �as <br />• dyly seconded by ??�?�eanber �, . and upon vote being taken <br />-./1:::�:�.-:r.. <br />theTeon, th� foliasving voted in favor thereof:ac-i.� <br />and the following votod ac�alSr�C the saci�: �'���^^- <br />whereu�on said resolution was declared c��aly passed ancl adopLed. <br />'� <br />� : <br />� <br />