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l�?Iivl7TES OF HEGULAR Nir,ETING <br />• CO"JNCIL OF, THE VIZLAGE OF' ARDEiv HILi.S <br />Yonday, NTay 23, 1960 <br />The P:Seeting was called to order by IvIayor Ashbacn at 8:05 P.i4?. <br />Roll Call: Fs�esent - Ashbach� Crepeau, Stromquist, Jones. <br />Absent - Kennedy. <br />. The minutes of the 3�fay 9, 1960 meeting were read and approved. <br />r(_ayor Ashbach called for all bids for Sanitary Sewer Improvement �2, <br />Projects 1 and 2. Eight bids were received and were opeped by Clerk <br />Stromquist and read by 114ayor Ashbach as attached. Jones moved the <br />bids be referred to tne �'n�;ineer for taoulation and their report to <br />the ecuncil. Crepeau seconded. Carried. <br />l�Ia,yor Ashbach asked if there was anyone present who wisned to te voice <br />their opinion re: the Surf Club, formerly tne Grotto Club, before the <br />Council presented their views and their decision. S+'?Y'. Jerry Gudim, <br />768 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, and several f'ormer Grotto Club members re- <br />questesi that t'.Ze Surf Club be allowed to oper�te. Pdr. Jones s�ated that . <br />noaz�by residents nave cornplained that the club is a hazard near tYie beach. <br />He also stated that the club is located in an area which is zoned resi- <br />dential. 141ayor Asnbach pointed out that a studq had been made by the <br />.plannin�; committeo and consequently the area was zoned residential. The <br />Grotto Club was given a conditional use permit to operate their club <br />because of the fraternal organization of which it was a part. tiow that <br />it no longer has tnis affiliation, he did not feel tnat a private license <br />to operate a club in this residentially zoned area should be issued. <br />Jones moved that tne location revert back to rasidential, as originally <br />zoned. Crepeau sedonded. Carr•ied. Jones moved t�at tne club be allcwed <br />to operate f'or 60 days on their former licenses to complete their sched- <br />uled ope�ations. Seconded by Crepeau. Cariied. <br />Mr. Thomas Ludlow, 1515 Edgewater Avenue, requested that the beach area <br />on tne south. side of Laka Johanna be allcted some £i11 for holes which <br />were formed when the sewer was installed in the area. Jones moved that <br />the Village grant about 100 yards of fill for the area. Cre�geu seconded. <br />�arried. <br />A letter was read from iar. C. E. Sreeh;�, reouesting that he and �r1r. <br />Thomas Ludlova be allowed to use a comsuon connection to the sewer trunkline <br />now installed in Arden Hills �3. Crepeau moved that as lon� as it was <br />.a rriutual agreement that it be_allowed. Stromquist seconded. Carried. <br />The clerk vras instructeo to send a letter to each party concerned notify- <br />ing them of' tize Council�s decision. <br />114r. Ir•vin J. Orton, 1645 Valentine Avenue, came before tne council with <br />a surface vrater pr�oblem created by dirt fill depo�ited by a neiA;hbor, <br />which stops the natural f'low of surface water� causing a pond on his <br />•; property. The council agreed that this v�as not a Village preblem and <br />instructed :,s. Or�oq to saek private le�al counsel on the matter. <br />I�s. Erickson, from Erickson Taxi Compang, �ew Brighton, came before the <br />Council asuing for er.clusive.r•iFhts to run cabs in 9.r•den �:ills. idrs. <br />Stromq�_iist read tne report from Attorney Courtne�* re; taxi cAbs in P,rden <br />-1- <br />