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� shall require a bidder's bond, certiiied check or cash deposit to be Yurnished in an <br />amount equal to at least l�o oi the amount of each bid, to be forfeited to the Vil- <br />lage if the successflxl bidder fails to enter into a contract, shall reserve the right <br />to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty <br />days, and shall reserve the right to hold all bids for thirty days, to reject any and <br />a11 bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and to award the contract <br />to the best interests of the Village; that plans and speci£ications, proposal forms <br />and eontract doc�unents ahall be made available to b3dders at the office of the Engi- <br />neers and the Builders Exchanges in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and at the <br />ofPice of the Village Clerk, and copies thereof shall be Purnished to bona fide <br />bidders by the Engineers upon payment of a reasonable deposit thereior; and that the <br />Village Clerk and Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, are hereby <br />authorized and directed to meet at the Village Hall at said time for the purpose of <br />publicly opening the bida received pursuant to such notice, and tabulating the same <br />in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered by the Council. <br />Adopted by the Village Council thie <br />Attest : _ ��--,��.z � ��,� <br />• Lorraine E, Stromquist� <br />Clerk � <br />The motion Yor the adoption oP the Yore�oing resolution was duly seconded <br />by �a..,...., , and upon vote being taken thereon, the iollowing voted in <br />favor thereof:�� ��-e�i-�-- , ��+^^^�-'p"'�-, e"e"""�`-' <br />4 ��;,�.,��.�.� -<.�- <br />and the following voted against the same: ��xR-- <br />whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />u <br />'2_ <br />