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-� , . MIN�TES OF REGUTAR COLTPtCII, H�"i'ZNG, Feb. 27� 1961� PAGTS 5 <br />• <br />Suggested that F'red Nixon could �o <br />Mrs. Stromquist will contact local <br />donate any of the plants. <br />the planting at less cost. Also <br />Gardea Cluba to sse if they care to <br />Forms for appointment of weed inspector were referred to Mayor and RoaB <br />Commiseioner. <br />Mrs. Stroniquist distributed the monthly financial statements as follows: <br />1. Payroll <br />2. Disbursements i'rom General Fund <br />3. Disbursements frcm 3pecial Eund <br />Upon motion by Kennedy, second hy Olmen, the following claims were <br />authorized. Carried. <br />Payroll - Check #12 t:zrough check #22 <br />General Fund - Check #33 through Check#(i3 <br />Special Fund - Check #64 <br />Special Fund - Check #1039 through check #1048 <br />Mr. Kennedy requ6sted a permit to have a jaint se�ver connection with <br />his neighbor h2r. M. J. Robinson, 3449 I�ke Johanna Blvd., on basis of <br />hardship. Request granted on motion by Olmen, second by Stromquist. <br />Carried. <br />PUBI,IC SAFETY REPORT= bir. Crepeau ststed there were no squad cara on <br />• e.s ree cfizr ng._ e day time on Saturdays and Sundays. He asked <br />permiasion to hire policemen for these days at the same rate as <br />�Ionday tYm ough Friday. This would mean i❑ increase in his budget of <br />�32.00 per week. It was.suggested that when school is out perhaps the <br />need for weekdey* squad cara would no longar be necessary and the <br />expenditure for the Saturday and Sunday duty could be taken from the <br />week day budget. It v�as elso suggested that perhaps only Saturday and <br />Sunday afternoons were necessary times for squad cars. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. <br />• <br />\ <br />� � <br />,�� � ��� <br />rraine_S romqu st,_C�— <br />