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P/i—Minvies of Village Eieciiop> wnixn,s. eo�.x � aixxuroue <br />, <br />' Pvl'iNUTES OF VILLAGE ELECTION` <br />(a) The linea Yallawing the letter (a) in this t]ank are left to write in the tact, that '•the electora Dreaent at the time and D�a�e <br />named for oHening Lhe polls elected the d'udges and Clerk viva voce, because the council had neglected to make auch aDDoinb <br />ment;' or "because the Dersona sa appointed, or one or more ot ihem, neglected ar refused to serve,^ pf such ws8 th0 caseJ <br />'�.ti.i'. �.��p�.... �,,,_�_ ( � <br />At the AnnuaL_......_._....�...�._.._..—___�leetion of the Village o£.....�.........._._.......___ ��-"—._.. <br />i� <br />the Countq of__....._!�`_=w__._...... . and State of b4innesota, held at..1�d.�:.Q-�:_=___�-�� `� <br />�----'—'----..� J <br />:��...._��:J-: �^rf. ; �^_"^-��— ...._CX.��.—..........._ .............__ being the place where it was clirected to he held by <br />the Village Council after giving due notiee thereof as provi,ded by �, on <br />L ���� , � <br />day of..........,....1 ��'_���__.......—._..., 19�_. ��� `c�,p� ���. �.�..� <br />.ar-�--�—"'�7-�"—�i% <br />and ...�— .....—_.—.._._.___.._.._ _.....__.__...two qualified aoters of said Village, <br />to set as Judges of such Eleation, aud one qualified voter of said Village to act as Clerk of such Election, <br />each of whom had within twenty days before auch time been designated and appointed bp the Village <br />Council to act as d'udges and Clerk respectively of such eleetion <br />who, being present, at the hour o£ �_�_._o'clock�____.M., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath <br />_......___..__.__._._.� faithfully dischnrge the duties required of them at auch Election; and the esid <br />Judges and Clerk heing duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and the Eleetion <br />proceeded by ballot vcithout adjournment or intermission until elosed. <br />The subjects vated <br />To elect �1"�:.._ <br />at such Election, as stated in the Notice thereof, were: <br />'w,�Zez- � ,�� c ��e�i�__ B�.e _ � <br />At....�:_�_L....�.o'clock in the afternoon of said day the polls were closed, proclamation thereof having <br />been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes precious thereto. The Judges then proeeeded to publicly <br />eount and canvass the votes, and a true statement tLereof was duly proclnimed to the voters by the Clerk <br />who recorded the same in the Village Minute Booli. <br />STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS <br />The following is a true statement of the result of the counting and canvass of votes by ballot at the <br />Annu� �t,�=___Election of the Village of__�-e=.-� --.--._...---.—._ Connty <br />o£._.:._. ����...._........._...._.,._._.. _and State of afinnesota, held_._—_—....—._._._...._._..._.�...----> 19^ <br />as proclaimed to the voters by the Clerk of Election: <br />for D4ayor <br />.._._—......._._....._._......._._..._..._..-------....._._._..._......___......._ .........................................................received........................votes for Mayor <br />declared eleeted Mayor <br />� <br />(Continued on followiug page) <br />