_ � • '
<br />� hearing the h3ghsst cw�qn �e►te vrill be prega3d fire%, !tl �'se Ca�.s� at ,
<br />t1le,tr i�er�aa- sva�er8. The V311a� Will mai], zxrtice of tDwp ta011 t54." az� at
<br />aaic: bY�ds Ypr rademiytion, *�aE 7.ees thstt thirty deprt� prios^ tc i�ct d�n�e spm-
<br />, aified fna: ��sclrmptiaae' to tme holder, 1f lrnnwn, at�Y to 4�1 b�tk a� which '
<br />prl�icip�,7..aud inter0st are 't+hen pRyestale. Holders of grep�yabl8: bandg dmsir-
<br />ing t,� receive such notice me,Y register'th�eir names and �esses aaad the
<br />smrita): �t�oah2ro of their boads '+�r1tYt #he Pillage TreaBurax'.
<br />ii" i5 ffi�EX C�fiCIE'i�� �I1'�D� CtNEl�11VR'�D AN'i3 A� LW►t 911
<br />na�s, c9p3ttiaru aad ttain� raqu3red by ttal Cem$tYtuti�t► and Lsme a� t}xs
<br />5tate of kiir.nesote to be'don6,, to e�tist, to heppep an�3 tb t:e P����� P�-
<br />ltmii�ary to and 3n the iss�rde aP this bamd in order to � it a v�,1.1d snd
<br />bin�7.3xsg ��z�ral obli�tipu p: aai� 9il7�ge 1sc,gording to its teT�e hav�e be�t
<br />do�6, dsr exiet, have ha�}jeq¢d, and P�ve beea �erfOrmed as �sa z�4uixred's tLat
<br />the v5:2is�e has auly de'e�i�mtiiea �Ehe t�eees�lty e�3 contractefl Pru� t�ie cctt�-
<br />straat��_i of �1d imgravg�meat; tP�t tIle �anit�ry Sprer t Ho�i �ipk-
<br />ing ,�:rii[ has becn d;u7,y cY�terl �nd grovleion made �qr the aupsxart therEof b
<br />el�e�3a]. :issesements to � leRl.ed with sespeet to the improveaoeiYt ti,meutodd. by
<br />esicl hC+r+•us� arni by the plecl.ge to sa:id Punci af n�t revenues 'bo be d;s1'.k�l lydu;
<br />tt�e opera't4on oY the munisipol. sever-e�et� tc?.bs cA2laeLad snd �t�d1�.Od: to
<br />�aid tar.a a�L tha timea requ4rer'! and 1rk aggreg�a'te�� �wunta nqt 3.e$a thnn five
<br />pex :3rsi (S�) in excess c�' su� quPSi:ei�ant ts psy tl� tn�6e3•eet lisre�►i e�r+d
<br />th� �nir:cipel Lereo3 as i�y z�espective�$ beeame d�, �.nd a8 vsSax+em tiuces,
<br />if n<.�3e8 for eeid purpe�e, �m,y be aixi ar� required by denr td he 1ev3a� uq4r, .
<br />sll �a.azcbl� Hraperty in th�r Vilinge, xithout l:imitat�Can as �Sa raY.e: or amWsgL�
<br />thet �e.id pleiige oi` net rsv�kase� 8f the 4ewer aye'E�u eas�trt3.tute� a i37rs'E 1lBn
<br />� end r.7ss��e tYiereoui in Yarar of t6e hnlders oP the bi�zuis er.d aY this fssue
<br />ersd cP a12 �tetondiag and itxt� iesues aP �nez�asl abli�ge,t3,�a; la�ucoveerartt
<br />bonds payab7.e .and to be msd.� peyabie frc� ssid Siaking t�nci 'apt�n the eCu�Ai- '
<br />: tiaz� �n3 �ub�ect Lo the limita'C#aaas get torth 3n.the tesOlution ereK�ing
<br />>�a si�.in$ �na, aat�a arove�bcr 3, 1939� ana rx,at tLe isauanee of thta
<br />bond 81d not cadasa th� ixuie�tpdnesB oP said V'i13a�e to e�tceGd aziy cAnetitu-
<br />tio: �l ox st,atutory lirr.its�ion. :
<br />' IN �)I24PESB W!iERSOF ths Viilage oP Arden Hills, '�xua�y Cp�mty,
<br />l�xu�sota, 2g� its Yillage 1,�ci1, hes esnsed 'Chie Yeond to be e,tt¢au�ld iri
<br />ita het�.2P bq the eignature 6iP' ite F�yor, cozznterAigpeB by ite VS11s�re .Glark�
<br />and smled'�'1th itr of£SCisl eeal, etnd the int+exr�st � agp�taaant he�"@-
<br />to to �er e�cecuted s�ad avthenticated by 'i,hs facs3�ai].� si�etures aS ra34 : olPi-
<br />cert3, +�.izd: he�e causeii 8 trtia and corr�et Copy ef t�s apltf�.s�a: rendex+e� 8y bCa�d '
<br />cot;ns�7. as to the Tslidity oy the ies� inolud4ng ttii� baud� rendered n% tt�
<br />tia� vg de2i�very herat�, to ba priryte� aa1 tkse rev�Tae sicLe af thi� bondi ewd
<br />has eauaed this ba�d to be-drit�zd as ot 1)ecemtaer 3, 19Fs0.
<br />Cotlnt�rsi.gtsedi _
<br />�_._
<br />V C erk
<br />C�)
<br />' • ilRmn � Cw�oa j
<br />Ao. �
<br />on tt�e lat e,epr ot necember (auae �, 19„�; sr,e 9�.as� ot ara.n
<br />A�1].�� R�y Qh�sntY, 19im�eetttha� vill plpr 'ro ?�eruv�r at �e Ama�r�.�,n l�ia�ntit
<br />l�r4nic cd 8�t�nt F1i►ul, in S1i. Fe��l, 6Siems�o'F,�, t�e av� Cd'
<br />DE�.ti�4 �rPul a�Y of �he ihaited fltaLas at Amerias Por , m
<br />it8 S�2uiSszy Sever �nt Bond, Serie� C� c'1�'teA Deaeonbrar 1, 1960, 1�.
<br />. f �� �rsnag �e ) 41�cs � t,a,e ) :
<br />(i'�oupoas n►mber/ed 10 etad u�atds, s'�t.ached #r� bo►s�]a rnm�bereQ ,
<br />`�6 smd np�rderr .ahu11 aleo inclsul� tr3�a phnaesr: �lIS t.�
<br />b�d 8escrlbad belqst 16 t�f1l�;ed Par etrl3eY �". }
<br />•. .
<br />� _ -7-
<br />