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., .. \ <br />, : _ : ;.. . - <br />,; <br />� � <br />- 7. Sa+id honds sha11 'he prepared under the d.3rection oP ti�e Vil].a;ge <br />Cl�: X a�d uha1,1 bw execnte�3 an k�ehel�' of the �illc�e by the sig�atizre �f t!� <br />Mnyor,: co•an�ereigned`by the Village CAerk, o;nd the eorpor�te seal of the Vi1- <br />lage shal.i be aPi'ixed thereto, and the apgurtenant int�erest.eou�s shall he <br />executecl av�rd aiatFienticatad 1i;,u thv �irinted; engravee}; or iitY�o���ta�d Ya�simile <br />sip,aa� .oP said Meyo� arxi Clerk. When t�aici bct;�de hrave b�en �o e�ecu�Ged <br />an� ybiit�nticeted tlley s3rrm11 be delivrred b� t�e 'is+eassu:��r tc� �Ek.e p�trEkxas�r ' <br />� <br />� <br />M <br />. . , _ y <br />t1ie��enL', u�,on pnyitient of tY.e �siirci?ase pr3ce laer¢to�'ore a�reel upon rixid �gld ' <br />�iurc:za+�ex �':�.11 not be obli�� to s�e �4o the ag��lieataort thsraoP. <br />8. Tk:e ;�ill�ge C1�iK 13 Ydere3;� authorl2ed asasi uireetec�, to file a <br />certi#'�ed co�y oP th3s resa�ution r�3th t�e County Audit.or uY :�a�ne¢� ��nty; <br />to�e.3her �r'tR sur•h ott�e�• -infor*�2tion es he �:�t�11 requ3re, azid to obtain from <br />sa3d Cc;antJ Au33t�r a c��`Li�3cate bk:a*� eeid *b�d� hava� l�aer.,.ntex^�c3 `�s° his <br />bon¢i �^e�isu�r. _ <br />q. ?'i,e offiEerr� o� the Viila�e an�: 'Che Got;saty Ai.�itor. �' �ams�y <br />CotuA�:�* gr n�•r•n��y e�thorisect �:nd siret'ted to gre�sre a�d, fus•�ish to t�e _ <br />��urr�E��er of scei3 bexids &nc�.-to tine ettorneye apxz•av3n� ine I�ga'lity of the <br />ie�u�c�e triez�of certi3P,ied copies of a13 Frocee�iit�gs and r�c�rds re"l�in� <br />to �ic? .boi�;ls an3 �o '��ie xiz�,nc3a1. afPairs OP sa3fl V'illa�;e, and ��tci>; ot13e� <br />af�'S.�avl�a� certificates aFui infosroation as may be xesnsire�, to sY� �iae <br />PB.ete x•�l�ting to the 3sgality �ncl �!�rke�SebilYt� o� said borcls a� the sam.e <br />apueni� .�ro�a the taoo3�s end F ee��cte uride�' the3r c�stal3r" anet eor.�trol o� ss <br />o�5herwi� k�rn.�n to ther.�, aud s��ch ::Er.ti:i#c�:tes, ce;-ti.PS.e� capf�b ar,d eirf3- <br />da;r;i'�,rwa, an�lu�tn�'xr�.:-.�x�etoiore f'��riai.^,hed, shalZ �e °3es�ed represen",�n.'�ion� , <br />of i�Y�e Vi?1a�e aa t� $he eor€ect:,es9 af ail ati�em� $s cot4f�ined tl�erein. <br />/ <br />. I�'J' � <br />v�Rr� � <br />Attest: `� c�= <br />�� ,C?.er�s <br />ri'he �uio� for the adoni;ion of the Scregoin� re�o:�ition "Aa�: iiuiy <br />sercaar3�a :.�y� �:x�l�k ���4;ax;li:.5t , and u�on vui4 bei� �Ls1;� ta�.�reoti; tYie <br />. �QI.�S7k":L?1g v3'�Ct�.�. 7.:i �(SVi3i tY;E'.3'P.Ci': � �S.I..J. . . : . � . . . <br />cu�fl cY:� f�:=1�wrYaig ��o'terl agsi^.c;� the sa.*ae�: AiG3t� <br />u�here:�;on s�i,: rf�o3ii�:i�n «o.s declare3 eluly passed nn� ac�opted <br />. _�� <br />