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r,y= -, <br />� <br />Extract ot 14itsute6 of l�eetinq <br />of Village Couticil <br />Village of Arden i3i.11s, .tamsey County, l9lanesota <br />September S, 1969 <br />A regular meetinq of the Counc3l of the Village of Arden :iills, <br />Minnesota, was held in the Village Hall on September 8, 1969, at <br />• 8:00 0' clock P. M. <br />The following members were present: Mayor Bjorndahl and <br />Council�n Crepeau, Henderaon, rLollenhorst and Olmen, <br />and the follcwi�q were absent: None. <br />The Clerk Achniaiatrator pre6eAted to the Council the proposed <br />assessment roll for sanitary Seves Dnprovement No. 9, prepared by <br />her with Lhe ase3stance of the vi.11age eaqfneers, ss directed by <br />the Council on � z S�yb�/ and reported that the assesament <br />roll is now on file in her office aad opeu to public inspection. <br />Councilman t3ollenhorst then introduced the follawing resolution <br />and moved its adoption: <br />12h.SOLUTION PROVIDING FOi2 HEARING ON THE <br />PROP06ED ASSESSME�PiT FO�Z SANITARY SEWER <br />IDIPAO�T DTO. 9. <br />BE IT RESOLVID by the Council of the Village of Arden Hills, <br />Minnesota, that the proposed assessment roll for the above sanitary <br />sewer improvement, naw on file and open to public inspection, in the <br />Office of the Clerk Admihiatrator, is approved, and the Clerk is <br />directed to publish and mail notice that the Council will meet to <br />consider the proposed assessment on october 6, 1969, in the Village <br />Hall, 1450 West Highway 96, in said Village. <br />The notice shall state the date, time snd place of the meeting, <br />the general nature of said improvement, the area proposed to be <br />assessed, that the proposed assessment roll is on file with the <br />•Clerk Admiaistrator and that written or oral objections thereto by <br />any property owner will be considered. It shall be pubiiahed in the <br />official aewspaper of the Villaqe at least once aad shall be mailed <br />to the awper of each parcel described in the asseesment mll, not <br />less than two weeks prior to the date oE said meeting. For the pur- <br />pose of such mailed notice, owners of said parcels shall be those <br />show» se such on the recorda of the County Treasurer. Every pro- <br />perty owaer whose name dces not appear on such records (other-triSn <br />owners of property which is tax exempt or is taxed oA a gross earn- <br />ings basis) shall be deemed to have waived auCh malled aGtice unless <br />he hss zequested in writing that the Co�nty Treasures iaclude his <br />� <br />