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� _ <br />minutee of the Council of November 14, 1966 indicated <br />that the County would pay 50% of the cost of the s�orm <br />sewera. Also said they would object if the assess- <br />ment covered proporty up to 500 feet back fran the <br />road so far as the sewer aesessment is concerned. He <br />• further said he felt it was absolutely neceasary to <br />construct the road. <br />P7o further action was taken by the Council pend- <br />1ng submission of a contract by the County of Ramsey. <br />STATB OF P42IdNESOTA ) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly quallfied and <br />acting Clerk Administrator of the Village of Arden <br />Hills, Ramsey County, P2inneaota, hereby certify that <br />I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing <br />extract of minutes oE a meeting of the Village Council <br />of said village held on the date therein indicated <br />with the original of said minutes on file in my office <br />and that said extract ia a full, true and correct trans- <br />cript of �aid minutes, inaofar as they relate to the <br />propoaed construction of Red Fox Road Improvement, <br />under and pursuant to rtinnesota Statutes, chapter 429, <br />as amended. <br />• <br />