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• ..,L <br />Extract of Ninutes of Nieeting of the <br />Village council.of the �tllage oP Arden Hills <br />Ramsey County, T�iinnesota <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting <br />of the Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills, Minneaota, <br />was duly held at the Village Iiall in said village on Monday, the <br />� 28th day of April, 1969, at 8s00 o'clock P.M. <br />The following members were presents Councilman Crepeau, <br />Henderson, Hollenhorst and olmen <br />and the following was alasente i9ayor Bjorndahl <br />Councilman Crepeau introduced and moved the adoption of the <br />following resolutione <br />RESOLUTION ORDERII?G PREPARATION OF <br />REPORT ON SANITARY 5EV��ER IiJiPROVEf�NT NO. 13 <br />u7HEREAS, l� is proposed to improve that portion of the <br />Village of Arden Hills ly3ng generally in the area bounded by <br />Highway 96 on the north; Interstate Highway 694 and County Road <br />"F" on the souths Highway 51 right-of-way on the east; and <br />old Highway 10 northerly to its intersaction with new Highway 10, <br />and new Highway 10 from its intersection with old Highway 10 to <br />Highway 96 on the west, consisting of the construction of <br />sanitary sewers and appurtenances including lift atation and <br />force main, and to assess the bene£ited property for all or a <br />portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to M.S. 429.011 <br />to �29.111 (T1inn. 3tatutes 1961). <br />• <br />