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. �, <br />The motion for t'he adoption af the foregoing resolution was <br />duly seconded by Councilman HoJ_lenhorst, and upon vote being <br />taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereofe All <br />and the following voted aqainst �he same: D7one <br />whereupon said resolution wad declared duly passed and adopted. <br />• <br />STATE OF MIT7T�lESOTA ) <br />) SS <br />COUA7TY OF RAP�SEY ) <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting <br />Village Clerk Administrator of �.he Village of Arden Hills, <br />R�msey County, P�linnesCta, do hereby certify that 2 have carefully <br />compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a <br />regu2ar meeting of the Council of said village held on the 14th <br />day of Apri2, 1969, with the original thereof on file in my <br />office, and the same is a fu1Z, true and complete transcript <br />therefrom insofar as the same relates to Sanitary Sewer <br />Improvement t�o. 10. <br />F7ITiaESS ilY HAiVD and the seal of said Village this o� � <br />day o£ , 1969. <br />Village Clerk Adminis tor <br />(SEAL) <br />• <br />