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. , , v <br />• <br />HUD-41901 <br />is-�e) <br />(Pormerly CFA-1901) <br />DEPARTMF.hT OF HOUSING ANf� URBAN DEVF.,LOpMGNT <br />ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE <br />REGUL T ONS UNDER TI�TLE�VI OF THEIC VILARIGHTS AC�T OF 1964 <br />Village of- Arden Hi11s <br />(Name) <br />(hereinafter called the <br />"Applicant") HLRGt3Y ,hGRGF,S THAT i[ will comply with Tifle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 <br />(P.L„ 88-352 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant m the Regula[ions of the Department <br />of )-Iousing and Urban Development (24 CPR, Subti[le A, Part 1) issued pursuant to tha[ Title, to <br />• ehc end that, in accordance with Title VI cf the -,et and the Rec;ulations, no person in the United <br />5[a[es sha11, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, <br />hc denied thc henefits of, or be o[herwise subjected to discrimination under any program or <br />ac[ivity for which the �pplicant receives Federal financial assistance from the Department of <br />I[ousing and Urban Development, and HF_REBY GIVES ASSURA�'CF.. THAT it will immediately <br />take any measu.res necessary to effectuate this agreement. <br />If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved wich the aid of Federal financial <br />assis[ance excended to the Applicant by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, this <br />�ssurance shall obliga[e the Applicant, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any <br />transferee, for the period during which the real proper[y or structure is usedfor a purpoae for <br />which [he Federalfinancial assistance is extended orfor another purpose involving the provision <br />or similar services or benefits. If any personal property is so provided, this assurance shall <br />ohligate chc Applicant for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the <br />propercy. In nll othcr cases, this assurancc shall obligate the Applican[for the period during <br />which the Fedcral financial assistance is extended to it by thc Deparcment of Housing and Urban <br />Developmen[. <br />THIS ASSIJKANCE is given in considera[ion of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Pederal <br />loans, adv,mces, grants, properties, con[rac[s or other }:ederal financial assistance extended <br />after the da[e hereof to the Applicant by thc Depar[ment of Housing and Urban Development, <br />including installment payments after such date on account of applications for Federalfin2ncial <br />assistance which were approved before such date. The Applicant recognizes and agrees that such <br />Pederal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements <br />made in [his assurance, and thatthe United States shall have the rightto seek judicial enforce- <br />ment of this assurance, This assurance is binding on the Applicant, its successors, transferees, <br />and assi�nces, and [he person or persons whose si�natures appear below are authorized ro sign <br />this sssui-ance on behalf of the Applicant. <br />Dated _,I�niaar�13�13b9 <br />Village of Ar.den Hills <br />1450 idest Hiehway 96 <br />St. Paul, Minnesota SSll2 <br />(Applicant's Mailing Address) <br />275059-P <br />Villaee of Arden H�i7 <br />(Applicant) <br />� <br />BY f .�t./ � r,.---'l -�.,�� <br />(Au[horized Official) <br />R, W, bjorndahl, Mayor <br />� ��� , , � . . ... _ . <br />