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i <br />4 <br />Extract of Minutes of F'�eting <br />of City Covncil <br />City of Ardett Iiills <br />Ramsey County, i�Qinnesota <br />• <br />June 19, 1978 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special �eting <br />of the City Council of the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota, was <br />held in the City Hall in said City on Monday, June 19. 1978, at <br />7:36 o'clock p,m. <br />The following meFnbers were present: Mayor Crepeau and <br />Councilmen 5dingert, Crichton, tiaoodburn and Hanson; and the fol- <br />lowing were absent: 'None. <br />Also present were City At�Corney 3ames Lynden; Fiscal Con- <br />sultant Peter S, Popovich; City Engineer ponald Christoffersen; <br />City Treasurer ponald Lamb; C1erk Administrator Charlotte <br />T9cNiesh; and Deputy Clerk Dorothy Zehm. <br />rnAYOR C�;PEAU; We will call this �eting to order. <br />P9AYOR CREPEAU; Fde wi11 now open the public hearing on r-- <br />Water Improvement No. 78-2. The purpose ef this hearing is to <br />discuss �ha feasibility and construction of proposed Smprove- <br />ment 78-2, atid this aonsiets of installation of watermain in <br />the area north of Highway 694 and west o€ Hamline Avenue. <br />Following a public hearing in February of this year the Council <br />ordered a watermain improvement for part of the area going <br />throuqh Briarknoll and McClung°s subdivisions to Highway 10 and <br />then south to connect with an existing main at H3ghway 694. <br />Since our last hearing in Febzuary, we have received petitiona <br />for water from over 35� of the property owners in the area <br />presently not served with water, and that's why we're having <br />• the hearing tonight. We are considering several options for <br />watermain extensions �vhich our engineer wi11 discuss in more <br />detail. Does the Clerk Administrator have the affidavit? <br />D4R5. r9cNIESH: I have an affidavit inflicating the Notice <br />of Hearing was published in the New Brighton Bulletin twice - <br />on June 1 and June 8, and T have a certificate indicating that <br />notices were mailed to the affected property owners on June 2. <br />