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CC 04-24-1978
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City Council Minutes
CC 04-24-1978
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Minu'r�s of Re�uiar Councb6 Mae4ing <br />Page : <br />� <br />. <br />. <br />� <br />• <br />April 24, 1978 <br />Crepeau explained that the �ity has tried to have it ciosed; if and <br />w�en i� is phased out ft may �evert to the City; we kno� of no thange <br />in iYs status at this time except tiat a few smaii parcels haye been <br />soid. <br />Mr. Fraichels, 1292 Nursery Hilf lane, sald he is with the National <br />Guard; teels tha arsenai wili be �h�re for some time, tavors Tom <br />Thumk. <br />Arthur Erickson� <br />his neighborhood <br />af the proposed <br />1297 Nursery H{ii Lane, sa(d he has �aen asked by <br />to advise the Council tha? they favor a Tom Thumb <br />Eoca'rion. <br />Tom J�rrfsen, President of �the Townhouse Villages Homes Associatian <br />Soufih, said the Assaciation is opposed to the rezoning of this corner; <br />presen?ed-pstftions in opposition fa the rezoning tabout 97 stgnatures); <br />Roted that the fownhouses north and south, are one solid neighborhood <br />on fihis issue; noted fhat nnne of the �ownhouse residents are here <br />tonight speaking in favor ot the proposal; feels �i�hat the approximate <br />3200,000 Tom Thumb investmenfi is srr�ail compared to the approximate <br />Et6 millio� ToHnhouse Yiliaoe investments u�hich should be given <br />consideration. <br />Jfm Winiecki said t;is family has owneQ property in the City and lived <br />here for many years; resents what i5 happeni�g to us; 600 peopie come <br />3n, and now they are tell(ng us wh�,t we can and caanot do with our <br />land; is ln favor of the iom Thumb and his parents favor It also. <br />Herb Kinq, i504 W. Highway 95, saic, he does not object to the Hiqhway <br />• 96 traffic; objects to someone i•eiling us they are putfiing a store <br />on our street. <br />Doro'Phy PhcCiunq, Snelling Avenuep said she owns about L7 acres of <br />land in the R-1 zone; cannot find � Tom ThumD to be incompatible <br />with resideotiali commercial on vhe+'Y corner is in accord with the <br />Comp�-ehensive Plan. <br />� <br />• <br />� <br />s <br />Mr. Weafiherby, 1403 Arden Viesv Orlve. said he looked a4 the zontng <br />laws before ha fI10�f6� in; 4his parcei voas a�d is zoned R-I; would <br />�a unfair to change ihe aoning now aftar we have purchased the <br />property; sre pay taxes iilce everyone etse. <br />Leonard �rudnoske asked �rha3 cou�d �e more o4 a fraffic concern than <br />'the towc�hsscas� area; when Pemfom was. devsloping the fownhouse area <br />t�ey dr�ined fiheir water onto his propsrty; wa4�r and debrts from <br />�eratom is s?ii: on his prr�per#y since they compl�ted thetr Iand- <br />scaping; repori�ed `Yhat �Yhore is no�= goong to be a Super Value in <br />Sharsviex afi Lexing�on and Highe+sy 96 as sugQesYed by someone. <br />Susanna T�ylor, Business Nanager c�` To�vnhouse Vi9l�ges Homes Assoc- <br />iafion� said she has been advisec! t>y tne dedeloper in Shoreview that <br />he has loased to a Super 'Value s�oi�e and a hardware store. <br />Cheryl Grudmoske said thaY people she contacted in the To+anhouse <br />Viilag�s� tavoring the Tom Thumb, crere not her friends - some were <br />her acquaintences. <br />Ron Balisr., Townhouse Association ot Arden Hlils Northr said i'hey <br />had a lasvyer �t fhe Pubiic Hearinq; fet4 they needed hebp in re- <br />sourcir�q i-his matter sinc�3 they are new in Arden Hilis; noted thafi <br />people hava the right to t�o4d oaYo their land, but Councii's decisloro <br />should nat be in4luenced by Yhe Eength of time a person o+rns the land; <br />commercia! is �iof fn ti�e �es't interest of the people in .this area; <br />a Super Vafue is gaF�g fo go in doun the road -�re don't need a <br />Ta�a Th�amb; townhouse rms(dents wilf desc�ass viable alt�rnativeS, <br />bu; it appears Grudnoskes.are not 'snterested in an office structure - <br />o� somathing more compat3Dla to residential. <br />CrichYon aoi�ad tha# <br />issue, aa�ich has an <br />has li�fte bearirtg. <br />pstEtiols 'sr.dic��te thsro is cancern for sn <br />agfec4 cn his decision; fhe number of siqners <br />_ 5 .. <br />
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