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CC 04-17-1978
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 04-17-1978
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, <br />Minufies of Specia! Caunci! �Aeei-ing <br />Page 3 <br />Aprii I7, {978 <br />• <br />• <br />Design methods to Iimit tra(1 use fio pedestrtans and non-moirorized bicycleS were <br />dl5cussed. Concern wes expressed re invasion of privacy and nuisances such as litter, <br />traspassing etc; successful tr�Pls, it was suggested, are those in axister�ce prior <br />-io peopie purchasing property adJacent to them. <br />�-1r. and Mrs. Frank Sutor, indian Gaks Trail, and Pdr. tinaudi6le), Indian Oaks Court, <br />omners of properties immediateiy east of ElriarScnoll, objected to the trail adjacent <br />-Po thelr west property lines; expressQd concern re vandalism, invas�on of privacy, <br />burglaries, litter etc. <br />;� After alternative routes were discuesed, �richton moved that Councii approve the <br />F'reliminary Pfat of Briarknoll ai4h the trail along its east sEde, as opposed to <br />� fhe #rail as proposad in piat "c". Motton �as ssconded by Woodburn and dld not <br />carry (Crichton, Woodburn voting 1n fiavor of the motion; Wingert, Hanson, Crepeau <br />voting in opposttion). <br />• P, traii/sidewalk was discussed alcng the i`ront of the lots abutting the east <br />side ot Briarlcno{t; an extension o� the ea:(sting east/wes# walkway easement fran <br />tndian Oaks Court to Norma Avenue r�as dtscussed; a pathway route that would dfrectly <br />serve more of the Briarknoll residenfis, as woil as the townhauses and lndian Oaks <br />Court and Indian Oaks Trai! residents, was discussed; an alternate route aiong <br />fhe western perimet3r of 3riarknoll to Florai Park was a consideration; the pathway <br />route ��reviously approved, pius an extendod path to indian Oaks Court was proposed. <br />R4tor consi'oerable di,cussion, Svingert moved, seconded by Hanson, that Counci! <br />approve the Proliminary Plat of Briarknofl as presented and approved previously <br />(3-27-78) with the trail sysfiem as indicai-ed, and with the addition of a 5' <br />widQ blacktopped pathway easoment connecting �Jorma Avenue with the exlsting <br />easoment to Indian Oaks Court. flotion carried unanimously. <br />• <br />• <br />� <br />� <br />Case :�lo. 77-4bL f laherty's Arden f3ow1 _ <br />A. Cnange in Extdrior ��taterial <br />"tillar presented a sampie of the �" x 16" brick which is proposed as a substit��Y�. <br />for the previousiy proposed ,�yrofoam surfacing; dis�layod a color rende.ring of the <br />proposau buiiding �,�hich ind(cates that the bricks will be stacked vertically; <br />ent(re building is to bc� ro-faced; facie to be 6rawn instead ofi the previously <br />pro4wsed blue and wnite. � <br />4loodburo movc�d, seconded by k^lingert, thai- Councii aparove the substitution of <br />brick with brown facia. idotion carried uoanimously. <br />3. L�ndscape Pian and 3ond <br />ilfiler raporfied tha'r a re-worked IanJscape plan has been submitted; h6s a few <br />commonts relative to size of plantings proposed, signago (which has not been <br />resoiv�d), rough estimate of cost, basod on plan submitted, is Sd000 (excfuding <br />sod, which he estirnatos at about 2500 yards); suggesfied landscapinq incfuding <br />sod at about �12000. <br />Crichton m�ved, seconded by �'linge�t, that Council se-f the IandscaFe performance <br />bond at $14,000; developer to work with Plann�r Miller re landscape p!:An modificafions. <br />�"oi'ion carried unanimously. <br />CommunitY Comprehenslve Grant_Aqreement <br />tdiller referred Cow�cil to tha "Grant Aqreement 3etween the R9etropotitar, Council and <br />City og Arden Hilis' (Contract iJo. 79140). <br />After discuss"son, Councii authorized it=_ execution by +he t;ayor. <br />Townhouse Villages_Trails <br />Council requested h'iller to sug��est methods to delineate the private townhouse <br />vlllaga open areas and privata pathway, from the properties to the south (f3riarknoll) <br />and wss# (�ScClung's Addit•ion etc J and fras fihe public pathway easemont along the <br />�oest side ot the townhouse Villagts. <br />Cricht�n reported that he Is working on a po�entlai 4rail route nn the i0' wide <br />�townhouse area pathway easement; tarrain is very rugged; a workabie pathway may <br />not be ati�ainable, proposes to meet rvith townhouse homeowners associa#ions re a <br />possiblo land frade. <br />f2EPORT OF V I LLAGE PARKS DI RECT�)R JOH�� 3UGh;LEY <br />uids - Oiseased Tree Removal <br />Buckley re#erred Council to tabulation of 6 bid5 rece!ved and to his memo of 3-29-7E3; <br />recommznds Council awara fihe bid ',o the low bidder. <br />.,.._.__— - 3 -� <br />
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