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. <br />s , _ <br />I�iinutas of' he�ular Coupcil nteetin�* <br />Villtare of Arden Hi11s <br />October 14, 19t�3 <br />tdeetin� wae called to order at E1:05 p>t;,, by t5��ayor Kennedy, <br />Roll Cell: yrasent m.f�layor {ennedye Trustees Crepeau, UlmenF <br />Nethercut ancl Clerk Stroa::quist <br />Absent � None <br />A lso rresent = Treasurer kec�3, llona L� Lund of <br />??ani.ster En�ineering <br />The �inutea of the he�*ular CounciZ 3.9eetin� of September 30, 1963 <br />wrere approved as amended. <br />• Trustee Crepeau n.ovect that the minutes of the Reassessment Hearing <br />of nu�ust b, 1J63, pre�are�l by Yeterson &`'opovich, be a�,proved as <br />suUmitted� Seconded by Clerk Stromquist, unaniniously cai•ried. <br />Ar�ien P.owl Liq�aor License <br />:;7ra Yatrick F a'zer y api�eax•ed to request �rantin� of t'1e liquor <br />license for Arden Bowl Inc, r:n� stated t:-iat they ehould t�e r�ady <br />to open about Uctobe 2', Trustee Creyeau moved t;iat A1�den P_�owl <br />Inco be �-1°anted ani�.�ab� license sizLject to tne f'oilowin� concii- <br />tiona: 1) Arden lroperties to furnish "as built" plan:, to the <br />Villa�e, �) Truatee nethercut's rlannin�* Connittee to approve <br />"es built" pians, 3) Connelly Ave, to t�e acce�table to IIanister <br />i:n�ineering, and 4) license a�F�lication approval to be given by <br />Yolice and Fire De�,artn,ents' Finsnce Con�,ittee, and Attorney <br />Courtneym �econded by Clerk Stromquists unaniu.ously cax�riedo <br />Or�liri�ance l�iininp Farcis <br />ur, Lev�is TVennsma er, 1�E14 Y1, Hiphway 9b, �liscussed the pro�osed <br />aLiendment especially re�arriine aize limita io❑ anrl lccation of <br />buildina�a housine anii�als. It �v�s that aize be 7 acres <br />instead of 10 acrea anc� that no anit�. 1-buildint�s be within 200 fto <br />instead of 500 ft. of houndaries, <br />nacast Inco <br />ugene Co es ock� Freaident of llynacast Inca, r7isoussed proposed <br />plans for an addition¢1 buildin�s sia.ilar in erenitecture to the <br />Dynacast buildinpy to be located west of the p2�esent buildirig, <br />The proposed huildin� is aF�:roxin:ately 100 ft, lcn� �anr� 50 ft, <br />wide anc� is to be leased to a machine tool rehi�ilding fix�m. <br />Trustee Olmen r.ioved that a buildin� peri�.it be issued sut ject to <br />approval of plans by the Ylannin� Cor„uilttee, Seconded t�y Clerk <br />Stromqrist, unani�ously carried. <br />Sevrer iiook-up <br />ic're T. Daroff reguested a deley in sewer :�ook-up until Sprinp for <br />proparty he ha� fast p�tic`�ased at 3t37 N> Fiamline Ave, Ti°ust e <br />Crepeau n.oved that a❑ extension t�e f•ran e un i.,ay 15a 19b� <br />providin� t:iat no nealtl� �rol�lera arises in the interim, Seconded <br />by Trustee cil.nien, unani:..oiisly carried. <br />: • <br />En�ineer Lund recoa,mended that no further time exter,sions be <br />�ranted P,fr. Leslie i;eien, 1:t93 Deckman Ave,s Por his sevrer hook=tzp, <br />Nort�an fIervin, 31J2 New Brichton Hdm, requests furtner time exten� <br />sio�. Trustee �en r,;ove p -r, F[ervin t�e rrantad an extension <br />until i.1ey 15, 19b4 Sf his new house is constl•ucted by that tfr.�e, <br />Secon�lefl b;; Clerk Stromquist, i,panir,ously car•ried, <br />Council pranted i^,rs. Lottie Iiunt <br />the property at 145� Skiles Lane. <br />EPIGIN�:I�,Fi'S ftL•'POF{T <br />a 30-day extension for hook�up of <br />Assessment HearSn� for Sevrer I,,.provements ll5 <br />rustee Nethercut uove a��Gion o ne a a <br />vidln� for :ieerin�s for Special Asaessments <br />��5 &�f6, scheduled for 8;00 p�u1e Noveu.ber 1, <br />Clerk Stromquist, unanin:ously cerried, <br />an�i ;�ti <br />cherT resolution pro= <br />for Sewer Improvements <br />19E;3, Seconded by <br />1 <br />- - - __ _ _ _ __ _ — — � <br />