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, , <br />3. Each and all of ihe terms and provisions of said forme <br />of �otices are hereby acbpted as che �erms and cohditions by which <br />this Council shall be governed in hearing and passing upon <br />objections to said assessmen�s, as fully as though the same were <br />separately se� forth and resolved herein. <br />�i'he mo�ion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was <br />duly seconded by Stromciuist , and upon vote being taken <br />• thereon, �he following voi�d in favor chereofe Kennedy, Crepeau, <br />Olmeq� Ivetnorcut and Stroraq_uist <br />and the following vo�ed against the same: None <br />whereu�on said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />STATE Of� MINNESOTA ) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF :7AM58Y ) <br />I, the underaigned, being the duly qualified and ac�ing Clerk <br />of the Village of Arden Hills, Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereby <br />certify that I have compared �he attached and foregoing with the <br />original thereof on file and of record in my office and find the <br />same to be a full, true and correcic transcripc of the minutes of a <br />meeting of the Village Council of said village duly called and held <br />on the date therein indicated, so far as such minutes rela+ce to <br />Sanitary Sewer Imarovement LVo. 5 and Sanitary Sewer Im�rovement <br />No. 6, and that �he resolution contained therein is a full, true <br />and correct co�y of �the original thereof, <br />WITNESS 1KY HAND and the seal of said village this 15 day <br />of Ottober, 1963. <br />• <br />�� ���� <br />Vi].lage Clerk <br />(SEAL) <br />