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. � <br />w • <br />At a duly authoriaed meeting oi the Yi11�ge Council of A�d�n <br />Hills, Minuesota� the PoJ.lowing resolutic�n wae moved aad adop'ted: <br />WF�RLAS, p]ax►s %r County Roaci. E2 (3.A.P. 62-673-01} Yr� New <br />Bri.�hton Road to T.H. 10� showin� proposed ali�ment� profiles� grades and. <br />cross sectiona� together vit,h speci�'ications and. special pmvi.sions� �or <br />the eonstruation of tbunty State Aid HighWay No. 73 within the limits oY <br />i;he Village of Ardsn Hills,, as a Stste Aid Prqject hsve 'been prepsred and <br />presented to the Villa�e oi Arden FIi1l�� <br />NOW� T8�[tEPC?RE� IT IS Rh'B�LVED� That said p].aaas� �peeiYicatioas <br />and special provisi�s be in a1Z thiIlgs approyed. <br />Deted thia �`�o-^ dsy ot �� , 1963• <br />� <br />(�[tTiFICAT20N <br />$tate oP Minne�ote <br />Crnanty of Ramsey <br />Yillage o� Arden Hi71s <br />I hereby cer�ify that the forego3ng &esoluti4n is a true and <br />correct copy of a resolution precsented to and':�dopted by the Yi11s�e Coancil <br />of Ard:en Hills at a meeting thereof hel,ct i.n the V�'�e oP Arden H3Zls, <br />Minnesota, on the ,�th daY o3 A�Buet; : , 1963, as dis¢].osed by <br />the reeords of eaid Villsge in my possessictt.,^. <br />