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2. It is hereby found and determined by this Council that the <br />foregoing amendment to said proposed assessment is just and equit- <br />able, and necessary to a fair assessment for payment of the cost <br />of said improvement. <br />The motion for the adaption of the foregoing re�olution was <br />� duly seconded by ��en , and upon vote being <br />taken thereon, the followinq voted in favor thereof; All <br />and the following voted agains� the same: �one <br />whereupon said resolution was deolared duly passed and adopted. <br />Clerk 5tromquist then introduced the following <br />resolution and moved its adoptiona <br />RESOLUTIO�T ADOPTIA7G AND COA1FIs2MI�TG <br />12EASSESSMENTS FOR ST�EET I�9PROVEMSNT LdO. 4 <br />BE IT R830LVED by the Villaqe Council of the Village of <br />Arden Hi11s, Minnesota, as follows: <br />1. The amount proper and aecessary to be specially reassessed <br />at this time for Street improvement �To. 4 against every assess- <br />able lot, piece or parcel of land affected thereby has been duly <br />calculated upon the basis of benefits, without regard to cash <br />valuation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, <br />Chapter 429, and notice has been duly publi$hed, as required by law <br />that this Council would meet to hear, consider and pass upon all <br />objections, if any, and said proposed reassessment has at all times <br />since its filing rieen open for public inspection, and an opportunity <br />has been qiven to a11 interested persons to present their objections, <br />i£ any, to suah p�opoaed reassessments and said proposed reassesament <br />has been amended as �o certain parcels of land, by r�solution duly <br />adopted this date. <br />2, This Council, having heard and considered all objections so <br />presented, and being fully advised in the premises, finc3s that each <br />oF the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the proposed <br />• reaesesament as so amended was and is specially benefited by the <br />construction of said improvement in not less than the amount of the <br />reessesament set oppoaite the description of each such lot, piece anc• <br />parcel of iand, respectively, and such amount so sek out is hereby <br />levied against each of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of <br />land therein described. <br />3. The propos�d reassessments as amended are hereby adopted <br />and confirmed as the proper special assessments for each of said lot� <br />pieces anS parcela of land respectively, and the reassessment against <br />each parcel, together with interest at the rate cf 5% per annum <br />accruing on the full amount thereoE fr�n time to time unpaid, shall <br />be a lien concurrent wi�h qeneral taxes upon such parcel and all <br />thereof . <br />