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�' Y <br />�"�� <br />�6inutea of Special Council Meeting <br />Y113age oP ArBen Rilla <br />Tueaday, Jaly 16, Z963 <br />The meettng wae ca3led Eo order aL 7:00 bg Mayor Kennedy. <br />Ro21 Call: Preaent - Efayor Aennedq, Truatee Qrepesu and Clerk <br />3tramquiat <br />Truatee Nethercu� arrived at 8s00 p.m, add <br />Truatee Olman arrived at 8s30 p,ra. <br />� <br />Absetrt - None <br />sanitar Sewer Conneotion at SanBeeq Road <br />pon mo on y rus ee epeau, eeooa e q Clerk stromquiat, the <br />log cabin owaed by Joe Bussard at Saradeed Road eras authorized to <br />be left off the Villsge sanitar� sewer syatem under preaepL oon� <br />ditiops, and thet the oonnection to the proper�y be indefinitelq <br />poatponed until euah tin'e thst there are plumbipg faoilitiea 3n <br />ihe preaent house, or that a new ho�ae ie built on the property, <br />or until auch tima that the preaeet building createa s health <br />hazsrd of any kidd. <br />Axard of Bid P V111aFe S us8 Car <br />aAt�yor s�'nn�ce y"exp`Ieine a e purpose of the Special 16eeting <br />wea to diacuan the bida receined at the meeting of July So 19Ei3 <br />Por a Village aqusd car. After lengthy diacusaion on the matter� <br />motion made by Trustee Crapeau, aeaonded by Clerk Stramquiat thst <br />the bid be awarded to tho lore 6idder, Joe Roaenthal Ford Co. f� <br />a net delivered price oP $2183.00 ami the trede in of our preaent <br />19B2 Ford aquad ner, op oondition thaE a letter be aubmitted to <br />ua frcrn the msnuPsaturer of the Cirea for the new oar, atatin� <br />thst the tires to be euppliod are equinsAent or better than the <br />7ab0 a lb x 6 ply n��lon tirea apeaified in bid, eaid latter ta <br />be approved by Attorney Courtpey, and if letter ts not Purniahed, <br />that V312age reasdvertiae Por bida. Carried. <br />The meeting waa adjourrred at 9s30 p.m. <br />� �� �� <br />Yor .. a nne— cTy " Z er rra �'S r ui's� <br />� <br />