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� <br />� <br />hiinutes of Regular Council hieeting <br />Villa�^e of .Arden Hilla <br />l�aroh 25, 1963 <br />Pdaet�p�; a$e aelled to order t►y �iayor KsnneBy a� 8c00 p.m. <br />Roll Cells Preaeot r 9!ayor Kennedy, Trueteea Crepeau and Olmen, <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquiat <br />Ahaent � Truatee Netherout <br />Aleo Present P Villspe Atty. Courtnep, Don Lund - <br />Beniater EngineeTing Co, <br />The minutea of Lk�e Specisl i9eeting of ;�arch 4, 1963, and Regular <br />Counoil �ieeting oS D�arch 11+ 19ti8 pere spprove8 as preaoqted. <br />x � Draina�e Ditch Objaotiop <br />'�Vernon m � dgewater A•��e.� aDjecta to <br />Ehrou� hia propertq whioh outs off aboaE 15 ft, <br />Ae requesLad that thia diteh be move$, Don Lund, <br />eer ing Co.� atflted tYu�t thia alao is the drainage <br />Arden Hills etorm eewex� Mattar rePexred to A'�. <br />with the County �nginear on a poaeible solution. <br />PUBLIC SAFTTY R TRUST�b: CHBP�►U <br />s Countg 8itah <br />from hia px�opariy, <br />F3anister Bngit�� <br />ditah for st1 <br />TJuad to coafar <br />Vills�e L'lean-up Campaign <br />firue ee rapeau s s e t he, 0lticer Sexton and Deputy Convu,. <br />of Public Safety, Edr. Y�eher, hnd nhecked the vi1].e,ge for JunkeB <br />aara�nnd �;enel�al debria op grlvate property aad lettera vi11 be <br />aent to the violatora. Trustee Crepenu atsted that picturea were <br />taken of these �rltea end will he•compared wi,th pictured taken at <br />s lster date for oompariaon purpoaeas IP tYke oopdition remaie�le� <br />theee violetors tivill ba�ginen court au�ona, TruaLee Crepeau <br />rec�uested the villape i�eaidante to cal7. the Villcpe I�Is11'with <br />theae c�pleiateon euoh v3o].ationa, <br />Mr., Jos, MaKeon 1871 W. County Ho4d D, appeared an�� atated thet <br />xae no ea afied with the proaedure ueed in these matte�a and <br />requeeted faater �atiope. <br />Re ueab for "Slow° 33 d Sande6n Road <br />�s ter e arho�.m� '��andeen Roady requeated that a"Slpr/* aigp <br />be plsoed on the ourve oi Sandeen Road, Truatee Qlmen� Iioad G�or�m.� <br />lnformed t he Council thet this aituatioa ha8 been previouely <br />atudiod �� nci the deaiaion wes that unleas a driVex la ageedit�g, <br />he cannot be chorged with a violatiop; <br />Referred to Truatee Crepeau to ha��e the roa8 policed to dsterr�ipe <br />1Y a°31ow" ai�p Se juatii'led. <br />te erre o rua ee n o ve grave uled te the at,ove <br />ad8ress, owned by Titrus Chiar��x, and �:]sced on the driveway <br />to solve drsinage problem. <br />� Hequest to Itezone fboo► R 1 to 8 3 <br />y eZ'�'r'k'Lsr'�aino �3rr�aquis�"rea� a iebter rrom Attys, ,Peterao�� <br />Bel� end Con erae, requeeting that s deaoribad area in Haakps�t <br />Plat Noe 2 be s�asoned from R 1 to h 3. .I�cloawrQa rvitts eaid <br />letter �rere a plat mpp outlinin�* the �rea and s certiPied 1Zs�iog <br />fPau: the Rt. I°aul Ababraot and Title Guarentae Gaaupany <br />bhe •.gparbn� ovrneta o� propertsq within e radiue oi' 850 Y6 of Ehe <br />property�. <br />1pyor Kan�aQy sta$Q�i t�ia� he hed recqiued a oall t'ron. the pxe�uotera <br />withdrewing thia re�aeet# becauae of known pppoeitiatn,e <br />!!r. G1etl Ye'teraoq� is�c; ai.�r�ii ko a, apgeaTed ap hehalf 4i the <br />Rroup ehiah hea ap qptiop Lo bny thia properEy. thta to the ru�,ored <br />t_pos3tioA� t3►e. petit�Lbd �wae baing withdt�awn with tha inteptiol� ot <br />• oontinuetl w <br />