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v <br />Pag� 3 t�tinates of JailtC 9'eetat� M:+x�h L, 19b3 <br />14ri8�to�w stated that es radd 1i.a So xa�k xith 1CaemFy Ceamty an a aitA. <br />M�a or �Ron:�ie atated that it is 1tot7 lbe�ib�a fa� library eites to ips 'siiqtt� i�► <br />s qTiaol -d��ricL rathar then ueing Villag� beu�aries. <br />Hrs. Palasr .%atid Lhat msiq+ li�rariea aiv B�ing lecat�d ir stappiaa wnLerp� � <br />'�ini$7 ,�i doas auC heie any. The Uriiversity reaa�owml� latgrr 11b�'i� aad <br />ie�er aS Lhes sather ther. :narty'mall branabae. <br />n�M Xot�ne -hanlaed tM C�aiLt�ss at�d. �drs. Pab�ba'i M!� Willia� and i��ra. Pbyllis <br />ot s��ndfag thie meetiag. <br />• BOSITIFSS` J'R"�±�TIQN AHD PUFLZC REi.ATIImTS FX)!?:13T� �: , <br />I.�.�a G . �'�r�l:a..aaof read the repoit as3uhai�ted b9 �a. $cdtt Ctnr�y �Ai�� xho <br />: . wt o4it� iosm.�e Cm�mittes hGe rnugh drafta at pra¢ao9ad Lm�achutNa on the Villag. <br />' and believes doeat�d serviess � not feapibLa. the coqt iyro� prote�sionaL ie <br />abelit iT�0.,000 � � <br />�eS'pv-r�t#ted tNat Arden A11L i,e primari]y residantial and ua �hoqld choose t� <br />�itdos.t�y *ahich w+ould be eia�mp�aimentaty to the Viilags. }Te au�;;eteLsd mimea- <br />�{1 mat"ss��.p]: Placed ia a poabet Syps loider, tthiah v�ary iooxPeaeiw. <br />t13:" bp' s�ipiple procass� bsoauae of: tha ifm9.ted laad avai].ab]e, g�fase xonldd <br />►L �o sil�.eot BrovPa suCh em t}�, C�ml�er o! Caauaeses.,� Minneapol�.s'H�oeY°�ZLa <br />is`ki:SSst�le' Toxer Co., etco <br />� <br />No <br />stated tAat material ileala: �the' t:efiropoliten Plsming Caniuittws 3s aet <br />enough lo�r Arden Hi1L. . <br />Koon etatad thst ths higY, p�raopal property tax ia ltae�sEy CmmCy Iqaapt <br />�;'�li.`ar� �rmnft oi•im�entcary fYpw lxating lferi. ' <br />er�ra in.farmed ttre Cmu3ei3 that the Waliur GaoeaitLss has di�rcuee�d b�oohm�te. <br />e �L` r•�te7Ci31 C�+:� �a At2al.nsii irort: t!M FSetropoliten F],anning �amaiLtaei <br />r�yt� Hil.�s sri21 pro,;•:t?; ts more, inSereated in loesping buaineas out of 'At'du► <br />�t �4a�inging it Sse aPCer about; exo years= broohurea c�ight do mus�e 'hara tAr <br />'1 <br />, <br />;i <br />', i <br />P Konlsa r���dpd Sald4stg oft. pn' brochmvs !a� ti» pse�trt� brochuto <br />e o '<. �'fat irhaat bvaiimas is dep 1Tsble. • <br />� � S'ew�a�s g�+sad a lettcr of realgnaLipri irm f3erald Pnetast �nd ria�- ve;y di�1�a�+ei�'� <br />� e'Ru .¢`tibat !M bepad Mr. BnaLw vould r�oamsi�r a�ad oantlnur in i� pi+�aa� <br />��a , . . . <br />l�e. Bu�tea statqd t6at be felt tba! scewane rith neNr idsa� �s oead�d � G1m�s�ses, <br />i�s'ais�ia� appreoiatiai for the cesmiderstian gi:�en 63s Commit�ba Yr'an tl� <br />Gurioil. ' He requeated ttp Cenmil te gfiva diavot eaomusts to hit Caom3tL�s �rat <br />dir�eilat eY euaiinnatioue <br />, I4ap�or K��� agtwd tha! thL srovld bs dods, <br />Ca�trel Deta Flms <br />• ,ay�ar:. erme I:resanted the CoafRil xith th� Fla� •!a� Ca�trol Data vhiab iII� �tMd <br />jo�t� 't�pi�nd. These' pl�s x�rr t� the �tt� s�t�clt�ae and did s�R SaolntM t8� <br />'�,4•,.t���.c.z .,e .�tirso.t i�.. a. ssto�s►ea tb. eemesr te.e ce�s.�i n�• . <br />s.� sat.rro�.a m snimv !o bs buut '!a t4. aswa. nsorsr r.trrrw so <br />Tlustee $eth�l+cut, Asfisoan ot t1w I'l,anttSng and�Zoair�g Cte�'d.tbN. <br />iM1 C ];� <br />yor . eme sequqL�d tA� Clsrk to eomp�j nilfi a r�qveat � Tr�siB�nR Lm� <br />9ais4� IeLh�1.Co7.l�pi t� a�e►d Al�t a eapY et t1� Vi].Iag� fir�. <br />I�.aeEin�,adtjoa�a�d at loelt5 pa. <br />���a�'r �na� <br />/ � - ..,.a. <br />R+--; r � �+^ �: r+ <br />