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<br /> r~). .. Fa-go 2.' . <br /> Min~tes of Regular Meeting <br /> December 27, 1961 <br /> . <br /> . Street Improvement #3 - 35 days <br /> " ". ./,4 - 23 days <br /> " ";~5 .. 24 days. <br /> This amounts to possible liquidated damages of 82 days at $25.00 <br /> per day. ~~. Burandt recommended a review of this matter.. referred <br /> to &&yor Ashbqch and Vl1laee Atty., with a cOPl of said letter for- <br /> warded to the latter. <br /> Apportionment Resolution." O!1'1itBl'~~W!l:,_I!!i:l'oVe~lont Nl?_.-L <br /> Mr. CJ'epeau moved, seconded by 1\.1'. Ulmen, that the above resolution <br /> be adopted as per attached.. cEil'J'ied. <br /> Apportionment l.esolution . 5'lnltaJ'y.Eewcr Iiaprovet.ent ~lo. 3 <br /> Mr. CJ'epeau moved, i,ir. Olluen seconded, tllAt the a.!ove resolution be <br /> adopted as per atl;sohed ,oo cEll'J'ied. <br /> Apl,ortiOl1lllent hesolution .. Sllnital'Y I.t..provement NO.4 <br /> . <br /> Mr. CJ'epeau moved, l.:r. c,h..en seconded, thnt the I:! bove resolution be <br /> It ,dopted ~s per attached" carried. <br /> Apport10nm~nt Fi.eso1ut1on~treet IllWrovel..ent No. 1 <br /> -. Mr. Crepeau moved. t,!r. Olmen seconded, tilat t.he abo,ve l'e!lolut1on be <br /> adopted as per attached . on~ried. <br /> Jay Vi. CJ'a1B (;0 ~ - Ilcd>>oUonof Hatain,!!_ <br /> ; Motion by Mr. CrepeB~. .econded by Mr. Olman, that $5,,000.00 of the <br /> vi t15,OOO,OQ retained Qn the $150,,000.00 contract to tbove be pald to <br /> Jay \I. Craie Co., SUbJect to tho appl'ovel of the bonding company - <br /> CArried. <br /> Clerk's heBort . <br /> (~lVen by eputy C1e1",( Fl'-'l'enoe Honan 1n the B<'sence of Clerk: Lorraine <br /> tromqlJist) <br /> Punches .rlsoe .. License Renewal <br /> Mr. Crepeau suCgested" the Councll agreed. to hold in abeyance the <br /> license renewals of the a ,.ove place, located at 1905 West County Road D, <br /> until the January 2" 19u2, meetlne, beca~se of a ~ecent disturbance <br /> at said place. <br /> McGuire's Liquor, Inc. ~ License Renewal <br /> Mr. Olmen moved. seconded by }tr. Cx'epeau, that licenses 1'01' the <br /> restaurant, soft drlnks, cigarstte, on and oft sale malt and liquors <br /> . be renewed - oarried. <br /> 2047 Thom Drive <br /> Letter, dated December 22, 1901, from ~r. Courtney and letter. dated <br /> Decelliber 21, 19t>l, from .Arthur E. Thom, owner of above property, were <br /> read. informing the Cou'lci.l that said property has been sold to Mrs. <br /> Chvestulk. 1089 Arel1e St., St. raul, MinneEota, with the understand- <br /> ....' loe tha t the. bul1dlngs on sa i4 property will be demolished in the <br /> spring. Referred to Mr. Courtney tor wrlti.en conflrmation from YJ'a.. <br /> Chvestulk. <br /> .ru'men t of C 18 1mB <br /> ~- Mr. Olmen moved, seconded bl Mr. C:.:epe8u, that the claLlIs all presented <br /> and attached, be paid.. carried.. <br /> The meet iog adjourned at 9:25 polll. ~ eio:k Fr..~~ <br /> ~~~~.. J <br /> yor 0 er . l:s ~Ch <br />