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<br /> .' <br /> .' PaGe 2 <br /> Cou.ncil Xinutes <br /> ~Iovembel' 11, 10til <br /> . i.ll's. Stl'omquist's l1epOl.t <br /> T. H. 51 and VillAc:e Snll,tary Se'ller Facilitiefl <br /> M1's. Stromquist re",d a lettel', datedDecer,J'el'og, 19 i:J 1 , frof,l S. 'r. <br /> Baldwin - UtiHties and Agree",ents J.npineer, Minn. f,tate Highway' <br /> Dept., informir,," the council that constl'uction opel'ations of T. H. <br /> 51 will affect tue villac:e sanit.ary ae';,'er facilities at three loca- <br /> tions. a "Notice and Order" attached to said letter orners ch",nfes <br /> .' ann rebaations stal'ted on or before January 2, 19i:J2, and be completed <br /> ny AP1'il 10, 1902, unless a wl'itten extension is franted to the <br /> villare by tho dil"hw~y 1Jepel.tme~t. All oosts inCU1'l'ed to be paid by <br /> the VLlsCe. <br /> ,t.r. Cl'epeau DJoved, }i1'. :Cennedy seoonded, that said lettel' and "Notice <br /> and Order" be rofen'ed to t,he Villa'-e Atto1'ney and Villa'e Enf.ineer. <br /> S,;,ni tal't Sewer Impl'ove.ruent 115 <br /> :,11'8, S romquist l'ea"il'illetter dated Dpcember 8, 1901, from Hore1' Sho1't <br /> concerning the lond for /1.oove projeot. Motion by ';',1'. Crepeau. secol)ded <br /> by M1'. ~ennedy, that E. H~ Palmer, District Maintenance Engineer, Minn. <br /> DepartrLent of H1ghv.'ays, be given a ~;,1.000.00 bond for issucnce of a <br /> permit so I'eteI' Larue ttioan CO',1'18 '00 !) ,'oVe' mentioned projec t - carl'ied. <br /> ranisteI' ~nfineering com~ny Contl'a.ct 19c.l, from ):1'. Courtney <br /> . Mu. StroD:lquIS1;-l.eac----a-le tel',lJiited Dece.mber 8, a,_pI'oving the contl'" c t with Ban is ter Engineering Co. regard1ng the <br /> street improvement projects. <br /> The council aU thorized, Mr, Caul'tney to re lease checks due Bani ster <br /> hong ineel' nr; Co ~ <br /> Land Use and Reeul!lto17'Ol'd!in~_ncll COJ'ntnitte~ <br /> Mrs. St1'on;c.'~ist read a report from Ruth Cadwell on the second meeting <br /> of said committee helq 110vembel' 30, .. report on file. <br /> Condit10nal Use Permit "0 1905 Clenpaul Avenue <br /> M1', t\e,neay moved, seconded jy M1'. CrepesU;-that above permit to <br /> opo1'ate a beauty shop at the' a "ovs address by I',_rs. Gold1'en Anderson <br /> be extended for another three years without charge ~ e8r1'ied. <br /> Nazareth Hall - Sewer ChaI'~ <br /> Mr. Cl'speau moved,' secoiiae by Mr. Olmen, that the adjusted sewer <br /> charge for Nazareth Hall as presented by !lirs. Stromqulstbe approved - <br /> oarI'il;ld. <br /> - I <br /> Audits of On-Sale Linuor Ests~lishments <br /> Mrs. Stromquist resd a ~etter, dated December 4, 1901, from ~.rvin O. <br /> El'unsell, stating he was unable to contact ~':r. Donald Stecker, former, <br /> owner of the WaGln Wheel. now Lindey's !'riJile Steak House, to audit <br /> . his reoords. Mr. Kennedy moved. seconded by Mr. Crepeau, that Mr. <br /> !.I'unsell lIlllke sim.ple audits of on-sale liquor records of the Big Ten <br /> far and Cafe and Lindey's Pri...e Steak House. if the cost of said <br /> audi t is reaSona ble - carI'ied~ <br /> Mrs. Stromquist was requested to inform the owners of these establish- <br /> ments to stand by for said audit. <br /> #9Q" Snellinr Avenue <br /> eel';' - e cem er 0, ti , from Ir. James L.MJ.l~.,44a2 ~ - <br /> torth Snellin~ Avenue, was read by Mrs. Stromquist informing the ..~ <br /> council that said light is no longer in service and is under the <br /> jurisdiction of the Twin ,Oity Arsenal. Mr. Miller informed the <br /> ,<~ council that he hsswritten the Commanding Officer of the Twin City <br /> ~1 Arsenal in an attempt to restore it's serviceo <br /> ~ <br />