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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br />STME OF MINNFSOTA <br />COUNl'Y OF RAM3EY <br /> <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILIS <br /> <br />STREEn' D<lPROVEMENT BOND <br />SERIES B <br /> <br />No. ! <br /> <br />$1,000 <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRlllENTS 'tha't 'the Village of Arden Hills, a duly <br />organized lllWlicipal corporation of Ramsey County, Minnesota, acknowledges i'tself to <br />be indeb'ted and for vaJ.ue received promises to ~ 'to bearer 'the sum of ONE THOUSAND <br />DOLLARS on 'the ls't <iEv of August, 19---, or, it 'this bond is pre~le as s'ta:ted be- <br />low, on a date prior 'there'to on which i't shaJ.1 have been duly called for redemption, <br />and to pay interest thereon at 'the rtri;e of per cent <br />( i) per annum from the date hereof until paid or until 'this bond, if pre~ble, <br />has been duly called for redemption, plus addi'tionaJ. interes't on said principal sum <br />tri; the rtri;e of per cent ( %) per annum from <br />,19 to ,19 ; interest being ~able August 1, 1962, and <br />semiannually therea.:t'ter on the ls't da;y of February and the 1st <iEv of August in each <br />year, and interest to maturity being ~ble in accordance vi'th and upon presentation <br />and surrender of the interes't coupons appurtenant hereto, consisting of one set of <br />coupons representing interest from date of issue to maturi'ty at 'the basic ra'te appli- <br />cable to 'this bond, and a separate set designated as "B" coupons, represen'ting inter- <br />es't at 'the additional rate and for 'the limited period s'ttri;ed above. Both principal <br />and interest are payable at <br />, in , in any coin or currency of the United States <br />of America which on 'the respective dates of pa;yment is legaJ. tender for private and <br />public deb'ts. For the prompt and :f'u1l pa;yment of such principaJ. and interest as the <br />same become due, the :f'u1l faith, credit and. taxing powers of 'the Village are hereby <br />irrevocably pledged. <br /> <br />This bond is one of a series in the aggregate principaJ. amount of $420,000, <br />all of like date and tenor except as to serial mnnhers, interes't rate, maturity and. <br />redemption privilege, issued for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred in the <br />construction of improvements designated as S'treet Improvements No.3, No. 4 and No. 5 <br />of the Village of Arden Hills, and is issued pursuant to and in full conformi'ty with <br />resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council a.:t'ter hearing as required by 18.\1 and <br />pursuant to and in :f'u1l conformity wi'th 'the Consti'tution and laws of the State of <br />Minnesota thereunto enabling, including Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. This bond <br />is payable pr:imarily from the Street Improvement Bond Sinking Fund of the Village, <br />but the Council is required to ~ the principaJ. and interes't thereof out of any funds <br />in the 'treasury in the event the moneys on hand in said fund are tri; any time insufi'i- <br />cient to meet the ~nt of maturing principaJ. and. interest. <br /> <br />Bonds of this series bearing serial numbers 1 through 240 (maturing in the <br />years 1963 through 1968) are pa:yable at their respec'tive stated maturi'ty dates with- <br />out option of prior ~nt, but those bearing seriaJ. numbers 241 through 420 (matur- <br />ing in the years 1969 through 1972) are each subject to redemption and prepa;yment a't <br />the option of the Village on August 1, 1966, and any interest pa;yment date 'therea.:t'ter, <br />at par and accrued interest; provided tha't of the pre~able bonds at any time out- <br />standing, those bearing the highest coupon rate will be prepaid first, in inverse <br />order of their seriaJ. numbers. The Village will mail notice of the call of any of <br />said bonds for redemption, not less than 'thirty <iEvs prior to the da'te specified for <br />redemption, to the holder, if known, and to the bank at which principaJ. and in'terest <br />are 'then ~able. Holders of preI>S<rable bonds desiring 'to receive such notice may <br />register their names and addresses and the serial numbers of 'their bonds with 'the <br />Village Treasurer. <br /> <br />-5- <br />