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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />NOtICE Of HEARDiG afA:i,uSSICiNTS <br />FCfl. SANITARY $&'1St tMPRO\I'EMENT NO. ;I <br />VIllAGE ('Jp ARDIN HltLS <br />RAMsEy CO\JlTV. MINNESOTA <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />IM'IC.! IS HIREI\' <JIVEN tbat ta. COURiCll of the Vj.U... Of <br />AtUn ,HUla, lliIinne..1a will ..t at tbe tataJob.nna 11...",'I.IY <br />School In Vilt. OR "edMact.y. Octet_ 11. 1961 at 'hOOetclOCk <br />l'. M. to be., I' . con.1ft.. ana, pu. upon oy and an_litH .~, 01'.,1 ' <br />ObjUtion,. whlch...y be Off.I', ~ wUhl'''IPK, t to t""',.I" , <br />.pacial ..........t.. If/I'. kftit"rylewtl' 1.ove...nt No. 3.Tbe <br />propotad ........nt 1'.11 1. nowon.fl1.endo~nte ~bllc <br />inspection by aU ptll'aOM ata..tect. 1n -u. ofUe. Of the VUle;e <br /> The entln llIIOUl'lt .......gain.t ..eb puctt of laad <br />wl11 bt payabl., usl... ~pdd. !n't..'y (20) equal con..cuti" <br />.MUal In.t.l1l1l1tfttf. thel1:nt of IMICtl 14.,allMll'U to _ payable wlth <br />genel'81 tax.s fOS' tht yeu 1961. collectible w16 such taxes cfudng <br />th, a y~, 1962... The f, u.t ins'aU, MIrt Wl,l1 N ptyabla w1.,th, Int....t <br />at ta. nte of fiv. p4IIl'eant (!I%) "I' aM.. Oft t~.nt1:re ........1'\ <br />fro. t.... date of the resolution l.vyl",\he UNto o.c,,1lbez 31, <br />1962; and .ae,h au, b-.quent -In.tal1l11ent, ,"1,,11 lie ...,r., ble Wl,'~ one <br />you. Intez..tat ..14 ~at" on '11 dnpald lA.t. lMAt,,'xc~t <br />th.t no intonat ,,111 be c.llu/ie41f/,..4ti\ <br />.oy pqcel it paid at the office of tho Tna.\a.. Within thirty <br />(3C) day. bo. tb. d.t. of ~opt1onoftbe ........nt zoll. <br />Tlae ....Z'.1 natun of s.nUa...,..$e..:r ~."...,.tNo. 3 1. <br />l'ylng . ..nlt.-y ....1' ay.temcompo.'- of tl'unk. <br />11ft .tat,10n..,.nd f.OZ,C:' uins1Plu.. eo~t,1oIl. tot'" Hnltu,' <br />."'1' 'Y,t.. of ta. Vlllago or Ro..vUte, Mlaaeaota, fOJ: tM .. <br />purpo.. of .upp~ylft9 ..nltary '.war ..JV1eo foz t~ 1qba~ltant. <br />of ta. vlllago. ". , <br />The area ~opoHd to be uH..lnn.peei; to ..Wi~.....t <br />Includes ,thoH loh .lJdtnc:ta of landlAtM VUla.. of An... HUb <br />within ta. follOwing cteacribod boundary. . ," <br />COllllllaCinQ .t theSl COS'. of tho VUla,,, of <br />ArH.. Kllh,whleh polnt. it el.. t.. .C01'. <br />ef Sec. 34, T30, RU. andwb1ch '.r1nt h .1.. <br />the of the lntenJetlQflo r..dnttoft <br />A.,.,.UO .1Id County RoW "DOl) \MACO <br />nozthe:r1y'loRi tho cent_. u.nto! ..1d <br />texingtQn AvtJWe 70~OJ J thonc....te,ly and <br />paaUel to the .olo\th line of Section 27, <br />T30, It 23, 2633' to the cantu <br />11ne, ofHalilu..... Avenuo; theftCo.outhuly don; <br />tn. cento. 11M" of, 'Hafl11ft\l "-,.nue ~FlC_telY <br />~:!O ft. to th" conter 1w of the A...pou... <br />St. Paul & Sault St.. Made ft....1."Y C~l'ly" <br />rlght..ot....y; thence ...tOJ.'ly alo"9,~ centeS' <br />11ne of .aid Ml....poU.. St. Paul.~. Sault <br />Ste. Mu 10 141 U..y C~v' I S'1;tlt..of....y <br /> ..O~O tNt to . point OAtH ...t <br />11.. of t~S!~ of the Si'~ ot&tc.. 28, T 30, R 23; <br />tMftce aoutlMtl'ly along ,aid ...atllneof aaid <br />SE'I. of SE'~ 670 f"et to a point <br />OAta. aoutb 11ne of .l1dl:ieCtloa 28; thence <br />.outherly .10n; tbe' ...t n...o' theft of <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />~ <br />