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<br />Paga six <br /> <br />Minutes o~ Public Hearing <br /> <br />26 .! u! yl966 <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Jenal - Social obligations should be considered, b~it:ii' sure <br />this won't be solved here. <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Mrs. Trudy Harmon - believes first obligation shoutd be towardth. <br />res I dents - th I s shou I d be the f I rstconslll~r.t Ion: O'f .,. <br />the Council. <br /> <br />Dr. Roach. 3979 Glenvlew Ave. - Is In egreeaent with tarry McGoII~1\ <br />end Ted Llndbolll. <br /> <br /> <br />.. <br />~ <br />~, " <br /> <br />Mayor Netl\ercllt - certelnly no Interes'" In placing apertmentslIIcros's <br />. frolll resldentla I areas, but there .are erell5 wt(erellon.. of <br />us would build a .home. The owner ha. the rlghttQ make <br />use of hls'propertv. for Instance - along County Road E,i <br />aparttrfents would be a buffer between Commercial end <br />res I dent I a I are~s. . <br /> <br />Mrs. Ruth Roach. 3979 Glenvlew Ave. - What Is the objectlol1ofa <br />vacant I.ot? Peop I e havepllrchned property beJ''tIv.ed <br />unbulldable and have built nice homes' on them.r.. <br /> <br />. Mayor Nethercut - have obligation to prpperty owners. must'heve <br />answers for Council determlnatJons~ <br /> <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney - has knowledge of one case I'n Mlnrtesota the <br />court ruled. against the munlclpiltll"ty In favor of the <br />construction of a hi rIse apartment since tl\eJend was. <br />unfeu'l b I e for other use and had been zenedfor'jllpert. <br />ments. but net for hi rise censtruct Ion. The V III 8ge, <br />could be placed In a posl + Ion efa law .$11" t. <br /> <br />Mrs. Myrt Ie Sch Iller. 3248 Sandeen Road, e.xpressad epprectatlonto <br />the Planning Commission. for wor.k done. regerdle$lIof <br />the resldentll feel. <br />(Applause) <br /> <br />Resident - Do you believe multiple dwel Hngs should be printed on <br />the map1 Would It 'affect the feeling of tWe.eounc.llor <br />the PlannIng Commission? Believes tbe PlannIng Gomm... <br />I ss I on and the Counc j I woul d be under extreme press v..... . <br />, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Jen~J - Yes. have had professional 9~ld.nce. <br /> <br />Same Resident - Objects to certain terms In tlieReport. suc::h as <br />"set aside for." etc. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ted L1ndbolll - was member of the PlannIng COlIIIIllsS'lon end kl'tow$ that <br />once a fiu l'1 der gets started wI th censtruct lonpl.ns. <br />It's very difficult to pollee. <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br />