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<br />.. <br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -- MARCH 2, 2005 2 <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />. A. PLANNING CASE #05-09: DAVID RADZIEJ AND ROG}:R SABOT. 4365 AND <br /> 4367 LEXINGTON A VENUE: DRIVE\V A Y VARIANCES <br /> Mr. Hcllcgcrs stated applicants were requesting variances to aJlow thcm to maintain the <br /> cxisting sharcd driveway and add an additional drivcway for each of the applicant's <br /> propcrtics in the City. Statrrecommended approval based on thc t()Jlowing conditions: <br /> 1. Thc applicants shall submit Zoning Pennits with plans to the Building Official a <br /> minimum of two (2) weeks beforc thc planned start of construction. <br /> 2. Thc applicants will rcquirc approval from Ramscy County for the cub-cuts prior <br /> to the installation of any ncw driveway. <br /> 3. The driveways shall be constructed to meet the City standard width of a 12-f()ot <br /> minimum and a 22-foot maximum. <br /> 4. Thcre shall bc at lcast 60 fed betwccn each drivcway access. <br /> 5. Parking shall comply with the Arden Hills Zoning Ordinancc requirements of <br /> no parking on any areas except f()r driveways and parking lots, and shall not <br /> havc more than 4 vehiclcs may he parked on any driveway. <br /> Commissioncr Zimmerman asked why previous conditions that had not heen met had not <br /> been chccked on. Mr. Hcllegcrs replied hc did not know why those conditions had not <br /> bccn checkcd up on by staff in 1995. <br />. Commissioncr Zimmerman askcd whosc responsibility was it that conditions imposed on <br /> the property wcre met. Mr. Hellcgcrs rcplied it was City staffs rcsponsibility. <br /> Chair Sand stated thcrc was an c-mail rcccived from a neighbor on 1090 Amble Drive <br /> ohjecting to thc rcquest on five grounds. <br /> Commissioner Bczdicck asked why wherc they retaining the existing driveway and <br /> adding two additional ones. Mr. Hellegers replicd it would provide bettcr access t()r thc <br /> applicants. <br /> Chair Sand asked if therc was anything in the Zoning Ordinancc or the Comprchensive <br /> Plan that would limit thc addition of a drivcway here. He notcd mature trees would be <br /> lost to make room tc)r the new driveways. Mr. Hellegcrs rcplied therc wcre no conditions <br /> protccting those trees. <br /> Chair Sand askcd if it would be a right turn in and right turn out. Mr. Hellegers replied <br /> that was correct. <br /> Commissioncr Larson asked who created thc hardship. Mr. Hellcgcrs replied this was <br /> donc hy a prcvious owner. <br />. Commissioner Larson askcd if thcy had originally agreed to the shared driveway. Mr. <br /> Hellcgcrs rcplied that was correct. <br /> Commissioncr Larson noted with Lexington bcing a commuter strect, hc assumcd the <br /> rcason tor the sharcd drivcway was to eliminate accesses on Lexington. He stated it <br />