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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 6, 2005 4 <br />. Chair Sand moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to recommcnd tahling <br /> Planning Case No. 05-10, Ramscy County, 1425 Paul Kirkwold Drive (Ramsey County <br /> Puhlic Works and Shcriff Station), Sign Varial1l:e for additional factual and visual <br /> information to givc staff sufficient time to make a recommendation. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> B. PLANNING CASE 05-11 : ROLAND KARJALAlITI. 1137 EDGEW ATER <br /> A VENUE~ FRONT/SIDE YARD CORNER SETBACK VARIANCES <br /> Mr. Hellegers stated applicant was requesting a 5-foot front yard setback variance and a <br /> 10- f()ot sidc yard comer sethack variance for the construction of a new single family <br /> dctachcd house on the applicant's propcrty at 1137 Edgewater Avcnue in Arden Hills. <br /> Staff rccommcndcd approval of the variance suhject to the f()llowing conditions: <br /> 1. The applicant shall filc all necessary huilding pcrmits with the Building Official f()f <br /> approval prior to the issuancc of a huilding pennit. Building pennit plans shall be <br /> submitted to the Building Official a minimum of t\VO (2) \veeks hct(m~ the planned <br /> start of construction. <br /> 2. A drainage swale should be constructed along the western portion of the property to <br /> collect the drainage water flowing westward down the hilJ of the prope11y and carry <br />. the drainage toward thc street. ^ rcvised grading the drainage plan showing this <br /> drainage swale shall require thc approval ofthc Ardcn Hills City Enginecr prior to the <br /> issuancc of any building permits. <br /> 3. A rcviscd grading and drainagc plan showing the clevation of the first floor and <br /> basement and thc sun'ounding propc11y shall be submitted to thc City and shall <br /> rcquirc approval by the City Engineer prior to the issuancc of any huilding permits. <br /> 4. The applicant shall be required to plat the property prior to thc issuancc of any <br /> building permits. <br /> Chair Sand asked if condition four should have the applicant replat the propcrty. Mr. <br /> Hellegers replied that was correct. <br /> Commissioncr Thompson asked fCll- an explanation of the drainage swale. Mr. Hellcgers <br /> summarizcd thc drainage swale for the Commission. <br /> Commissioner Modcsettc askcd if the curb cut and concrcte drivcway would rcmain. Mr. <br /> Hellegers rcplied there should only be one access and so it should be removed. <br /> Chair Sand askcd if the retaining wall that was cUlTently there was close to where the new <br /> rctaining wall was being proposed. Mr. Hellegers replied it appeared to be close. <br />. Commissioner Modesette stated she was not certain the engineering was complete <br /> enough to run the water to the street. Mr. Hellegers replied it might need a little more <br /> space and he would have the City Engineer rcview this befcllT it would go forward. <br />