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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - APRIL 6,2005 6 <br />. Chair Sand closed thc public hcaring at 7:56 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Bczdicck statcd he understood stafr s comments with rcspect to the <br /> replatting, but asked if thcrc were any altcrnatives that would bc acccptable to comply <br /> with thc bJUidelines. Mr. Hellegers replied there was a lot linc that would run down thc <br /> middle of the house and this was the reason thcy necdcd to havc this rcplatted. He notcd <br /> two altcrnatives they have in the Ordinance. did not apply to this type of a situation. He <br /> indicated he believed replatting would be the corrcct procedure. <br /> Mr. Clark stated they might be able to state in rcquirement 4 that the applicant should bc <br /> required to replat or convey by minor subdivision, which would give staff the opportunity <br /> to reexam this. <br /> Commissioncr Bezdicek, secondcd by Commissioncr Modcsette, to rccommcnd approval <br /> of Planning Case No. 05- I I: Roland Kar:ialahti, ] 13 7 Edgewatcr A venue, Front/Sidc <br /> Yard Comer Setback Variances subject to the recommcndations made in staffs April 6, <br /> 2005 and modifying rccommcndation four to read: The applicant shall be requircd to <br /> rcplat or convcy by minor subdivision the property prior to thc issuance of any building <br /> pcrmits. <br /> Thc motion carricd unanimously (4-0). <br />. UNFINISRED AND NE\V BUSINESS <br /> A. PLANNING CASE 05-09: DAVID RADZIEJ AND ROGER SABOT. 4365 <br /> AND 4367 LEXINGTON A VENUE: DRIVE\V A Y VARIANCE. <br /> Mr. Hellcgers stated the applicants have requested vmiances to allow thcm to maintain <br /> the ex'isting shared driveway and add an additional dliveway f<)r cach of the applicants' <br /> property in Arden Hills. <br /> He noted at the March, 2005 Planning Commission meeting, thc Planning Commission <br /> votcd unanimously to dcny thc requestcd variancc to maintain the existing sharcd <br /> driveway and add one additional drivcway for each of the propertics. <br /> He stated the applicants have rcviewcd thc Planning Commission' s direction and havc <br /> attcmptcd to answer some of the Planning Commission's previous qucstions. <br /> Statl recommended approval of the requcst for variancc to allow onc new driveway at <br /> 4365 and onc new driveway at 4367 while maintaining the existing sharcd drivcway <br /> subjcct to the following conditions: <br /> I. The applicants shall submit Zoning Pcnnits with plans to thc Building Official a <br /> minimum of two (2) wccks bcforc thc planncd stm1 of construction. <br />. ') The applicants will rcquire approval from Ramscy County for the cub-cuts prior <br /> to thc installation of a new driveway. <br />