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<br /> PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATIOi\' COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> JULY 26, 2005 Page 5 of7 <br /> . Committee Member Hames asked if anyone has looked at the pattern of use noting that both <br /> Bethel and the High School utilize the east side both ways. He explained that traditionally <br /> people who use this area tend to cross at County Road E2 and sometimes at Valentine, which is a <br /> pretty dangcrous traffic area that extends from the Railroad Bridge. He noted that County Road <br /> E2 is congested pretty much all day and expressed conCClllS about the safety of the residents. <br /> City Engineer Brown stated that if the trail is curbed or protected by a bulTer the site line and <br /> safety issues should go away. <br /> Committee Member Hames askcd if there would be any liability issucs with Bethel. City <br /> Engineer Brown clarified that the road is a County road and that Ramsey County would carry the <br /> liability. <br /> Commissioncr Thompson asked if there has heen any discussion with Bethcl College as to how <br /> the crosswalk is used. She suggested considering a pedestrian cross bridge. Ms. Olson noted <br /> that the pedestrian cross bridge was considered as an option through City Council and reviewed. <br /> City Engineer Brown clarified that Ms. Olson and City Administrator Wolfe arc looking for <br /> budget recommendations noting that County roads are eligihle for state funding and could be <br /> matched. <br /> . Committee Membcr McClung stated that this is an important connector adding that if there is a <br /> way to possibly do something along Snelling up to County Road E where the City would have <br /> connections east/west and north/south then the City would be tied together and they could then <br /> move forward to try to connect into the regional trail system. He stated that this should be <br /> designated a high priority item and that the PTRC should continue to push for the trail <br /> connections. <br /> Chair Hemy asked what would happcn to Highway 10 south of Highway 96. City Engineer <br /> Brown cxplained that Highway 10 would go over the top and Old Highway 10 would intersect <br /> with the existing frontage road. He further explained that it would then become a four-way <br /> interscction onto Highway 96 and that it would maintain a contiguous four-Ianc intersection. Hc <br /> indicated that there is approximately 30 to 40 feet of right-of-way along this area and reviewcd. <br /> Chair Henry asked ifthere would be an entrance into the TCAAP area at Highway 96. <br /> Community Development Director Clark stated that the entrance would come across from North <br /> Heights Lutheran and the other location would be an overpass on Highway 10, or west of <br /> Highway 10 and Highway 96. <br /> Committee Member Williams noted the possibilities and asked what the next t> would be to <br /> keep this proposal moving forward. <br /> City Engineer Brown indicated that the City could reasonahly ask for the CP Railroad passage <br /> . and then try to build something that would connect to Highway 96. He noted that one of the <br /> problems with going beyond this point is due to the rural nature of the area beyond this point. <br />